Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Where Has God Gone?

Where is God?

Does anyone know where He has gone? Because I'm pretty sure, looking around this world, that He must have packed up and left town. I mean, if He were here, He'd be doing something about this mess we've made, wouldn't He?

You know where I'm coming from? Sure you do. We've taken His world and turned it upside down and inside out. We're taking the wondrous creation He gave us, tearing it apart, and pasting it back together in total randomness, like Picasso gone wild. We're redefining the fundamental order and laws that He laid down. We've taken His place. We're playing God.

So where is He?

Doesn't He know?

Can't He see what's going on? Doesn't He care? Can He not see how dark and lonely this place has become for those who love Him, serve Him, believe Him? Is He so far removed that even when we say what He made was wrong, that He made a mistake, He does nothing? When what He called an abomination is accepted as the norm, has He decided to simply give up and go home?

Doesn't He know how hard this is? Doesn't He know that my children have to live in this world, wade through the filth and garbage piling up in the streets? Does He even recognize how far we've fallen, or where we are headed? Can He see it? Does it matter to Him?

I know where God is.

God is here. God is watching. And He cares. Oh, He cares a lot!

He has a plan.

One day, when wickedness has reached its fullness, the world will see and know. On that day, when the skies darken with His wrath, when the Horsemen are turned loose and fire rains from heaven, all will know. When the earth trembles, the oceans boil, and men hid themselves in futility from His face, they will understand.

God knows. God cares. God is here.

God hasn't gone anywhere.

No matter how hard the world tries, they can't run God off. They cannot take from Him what is rightfully His. As they did with His Son they now do with His creation, but now as then, they know not what they do. Then, Jesus begged His Father to forgive them. Now, creation begs her Father to rid her of the decay of sin.

When judgment comes, there will be mercy no more. Hell hath no fury compared to the God who created it.

God isn't gone. He's waiting, building His wrath. Every insult, every deed, every sin wracks up and one day, one day soon, they will be piled up to heaven. That's when God will show His hand. As in the days of Noah, they will be eating and drinking, partying it up to the very end. When the flood of His wrath comes, there'll be no hiding.

Because God is here. Watching. Knowing. Patiently waiting for the day He has chosen. To act. To judge. To pour out His wrath.

God hasn't gone anywhere. God isn't going anywhere. One day, one day soon, He's going to take back what belongs to Him.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus, come!

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