Wednesday, May 4, 2016

My God Is Bigger

This is a picture of a pulsar.

A pulsar is a type of a neutron star, which is the incredibly dense core of a star that is left over after a supernova. A supernova, of course, is the explosion that takes place when the most massive stars in the universe die. Sometimes they form black holes. Sometimes they form neutron stars.

These are massively powerful objects which we are just beginning to understand, and then poorly. Their forces can only be described by mathematical equations that cover pages and take a PhD to comprehend. They are incredible.

They are puny compared to God.

God created the stars.

There are an estimated 100,000,000,000 galaxies in the universe. Each galaxy has an estimated average 100,000,000,000 stars. Multiply those together, and you get the estimated number of stars in the universe. And that's actually an old number--it grows as telescope technology improves.

God created every one of them, and knows them by name! (Psalm 147:4). He keeps track of their coming and going. More than that, He controls their coming and going. Hebrews 1:3 says that Jesus, who is God, sustains all things. He sustains the stars--He's the force behind their force!

That's power.

My God is bigger.

I don't care what you want to compare Him to, my God is bigger. He's more powerful, more awesome, more incredible than anything, because He made everything! Not only that, but He controls everything and sustains it. Without God, there would be no forces of nature. There would be no energy. Without His sustaining power, there would be nothing.

You might think such a massively powerful God would be distant and impersonal, but nothing could be further from the truth. Matthew 10:30 tells us that God is so personal, and cares for us so much, that even the hairs on our heads are numbered.

My God sustains the universe, and still keeps track of every detail of the insignificant speck that is me.

That's love.

And you think God can't take care of your problems?

A supernova is the most powerful event we know of. The generated force of the explosion is mind blowing--astronomers estimate that an observed supernova exploded with a luminosity (brightness) that was 600 billion times brighter than our sun! To put it another way, the energy emitted in about the minute and a half a supernova lasts exceeds the amount of energy the sun will release in its 10 billion year lifetime. 

Here's the wild part. Because of the number of stars (see above), a supernova probably occurs somewhere in the universe about once every second. That means, if a supernova last 100 seconds, there are about a 100 supernovae going off right now. Take a moment and consider the amount of energy, the raw power we are talking about.

God's in control of that.

How big are your problems again?

I've tried to give you an idea of the power of God, and certainly have only scratched the surface. But considering God controls and sustains these incredible forces, and yet still keeps track of every hair on your head, how big are your problems compared to His ability to deal with them?

The next time you think a problem is too big for God, maybe thinking about the supernova will put things in perspective. And the next time you don't think God cares enough about you to do something, answer this one, simple question:

Do you know how many hairs are on your own head?

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