Thursday, May 5, 2016

My God Is Better

People worship some strange gods.

Some gods are angry, mean, and deceitful, like the ancient Greek gods. Others are powerful but flawed, basically just humans with super powers. People follow gods who are distant, detached, and unreachable. Selfish. Self absorbed. Cruel. Evil.

My God isn't like that.

My God is better.

My God cares.

He cares so much, in fact, that He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not die for their sins, but have eternal life (John 3:16). He cares so much that He keeps track of even the hairs on my head (Matthew 10:30). He cares so much that He listens when I talk to Him. Every. Single. Time.

God cares so much for us that nothing is too great, or too small, for us to take it to Him knowing that He can, and will, give us every good thing. So great is His care that when we stumble, He lifts us gently to our feet like the children we are. He cares so much that He disciplines us so that we will learn. He weeps. He rejoices. He jealously protects.

My God cares. A lot.

My God gives.

My God provides all things. It is said in scientific circles that our sun gives us life. Well, my God created the sun, and gave it to us. He gives us food and water, clothing and shelter. He provides comfort to the downcast heart, strength to the weary, courage to the faint of heart. He gives even when we do not deserve.

Everything we have is from God, and we have everything we need. My God provides richly and abundantly. Not because He must, but because that is His heart.

My God is a giver.

My God is close.

God does not remain secluded on some unreachable mountain top, nor locked away in some unapproachable fortress. My God is here, with me, right now. My Father lives in heaven, but His presence is everywhere. Even more, my God has chosen, of His own free will, to dwell not only with me, but within me. His Spirit has taken up residence side by side with mine.

That's close.

My God is better in every way.

My God is more powerful than any other. My God is more caring, loving, giving, and personal than any other. There is no god greater than mine, because my God is the only true God.

My God is the best.


  1. Umm gods did care for their people in their religion also Buddhism, didn't caused the crusades, Hinduism didn't cause 9/11 yeah go read your bible "I will not allow woman to lead or exert authority over men", upon other great quotes.

  2. I meant no disrespect to anyone. The only gods I mentioned directly were the ancient Greek gods, and I don't believe too many people worship them anymore. As I am allowed to have my opinion, so is everyone else. Open, honest dialogue leads to stronger faith and, according to my beliefs, seeking the truth will lead you to it, no matter where you start. The Bible is full of great quotes, as you said, all of which must be taken in the context of the whole.

  3. There is only one God. The rest are imagined, perceived, alleged but not real; not the Creator of all things who was there at the beginning, is now and ever will be.
