Sunday, November 30, 2014

Children of God

I can't wait to grow up!

Remember saying that? As a kid, I had it all figured out. When I grew up, I knew exactly what I was going to do, and how I was going to do it.

No one needed to tell me what life was about. I already knew. I mean, Everything I need to know, I learned in kindergarten. Right?

The problem is . . .

Well, I did grow up (or at least got older). And, no, I didn't know everything. The older I get, the smarter my parents and others with the wisdom of age become. It's not good to track mud through the house. Money doesn't grow on trees. My room won't clean itself.
Who would have thought?

As I grew up, I learned. That is good. But as I grew up, I also forgot many things. That is not good. Let me explain.

I used to think some things just were. The sky was blue. The grass was green. God made the world go round. I couldn't explain these things, and didn't need to. It was the way it was, and I didn't worry about it.

Now? Well, now I have what is called an analytical mind. I want to explore, examine, and explain everything. I want to know how it works, whatever it is. That gets me in trouble.

Like a Child.

I would never choose to return to childhood, were that possible. People look at me funny when I say this is the best time in my life. This year is better than last, and next year looks on track to set a new record. High school was fun. College was a good time. Being unmarried and without children had certain freedoms. None of that was as good as today.

I do wish, however, that I could reclaim that child-like innocence and acceptance. I wish I could simply accept that more things just are, like I did back then. The grass is green because God likes it that way. Sky-blue is God's favorite color. God is in control. I cannot explain everything, no matter how I try.

It's called Faith.

Believing what you cannot explain is one definition of faith. I have come to realize that, as a Christian, acting like a child is sometimes a good thing. I can't throw tantrums, hide my messes under the rug, or leave my dirty clothes laying around. That's not the kind of immaturity I am talking about. But I should accept that some things just are. The Trinity. Jesus as fully God and fully man. The eternal nature of God. These I cannot explain. I don't need to. They are, plain and simple.

What about you?

As a kid, I used to think chocolate milk came from brown cows. Spoiler alert! 
It doesn't.

But some things I believed back then still hold true today. Have you outgrown your child-like faith? I hope not.

Tell me your favorite Faith like a Child story from your youth. I promise not to laugh--too hard.


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Giving Thanks to God

 First and foremost, I am thankful for God.

My Provider.

Without God, I would have nothing. Not the air I breathe, the vessel to carry it in, or world in which to exist. Without God, forget about having nothing. I would not be.

My Savior.

Without Jesus Christ, I would have no hope. The air, the vessel which is my body, the world upon which I walk, would be meaningless. If God were Provider alone, though that is more than I deserve, I would be nothing.

My Guide.

Without His Holy Spirit, I would have no direction. The air, the vessel, the world would be a cacophony of chaos and misdirection without His leading. If God were no more than Provider and Savior, I would be lost.

My Complete God.

God is my Provider. God is my Savior. God is my Guide. He is the complete package. I need nothing more.

But He doesn't stop there.

Being everything I need, and providing Himself to me is not enough for God. He has gone far beyond what I could ever hope or imagine in His blessings. Here are a few I have reflected on today:

1) A beautiful, loving, faithful Christian wife.
2) Three children to bless our home and marriage.
3) Three men who are like brothers.
4) A family with ever open arms.
5) A network of friends to hold me up (or knock me down, whichever is needed!).
6) Gifts and abilities to feel useful in His kingdom.
7) The promise of more to come.

I could go on . . .

His blessings are endless. No matter how far I fall, or how often, He picks me up. When I feel satisfied, He reveals something new to reach for. When I get stuck, He pulls me through. When I tire, He carries. Facing defeat, He fights for me. Never alone. Ever faithful. God is good.

Those are some of mine. What about you?

What are you thankful for? Share God's blessings in your life with us, that we may praise Him all the more.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Be Still

How incredibly hard it is to be still and trust God. Often, we think it sounds great. I mean, who doesn't want to kick back, relax, and let someone else take care of everything. It sounds like a dream come true. Until the time actually comes to do it.

What, exactly, does it mean to be still? The Psalmist describes catastrophic scenes of the earth trembling, the mountains falling, the seas boiling. Nations in uproar, kingdoms failing. Wars. Desolation. In the midst of chaos, we are called to do one thing.

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.

Psalm 46:10. It bears repeating: Be still, and know that I am God. What does it mean to be still? In the face of disaster, amid destruction, despite war and failure, being still 
means . . . being still. Quiet. Calm. Peaceful. Sit back, and trust.

Trust? But God, things are falling apart! My life is a mess! Nothing is going my way. I have problems, I have concerns, I have enemies! You don't get it! I need to do something! Please God, tell me what to do!

Be still, and know that I am God.

No God, really! Everything is falling apart around me! All that I have, all that I know, all that I want is spiraling out of control! Please God . . . please! Help me, God, help me . . .

Be still . . .

Still? Peaceful? Quiet? Everything is going wrong, and you want me to do nothing? You want me to trust? You want me to . . .

Be still.

But . . . I don't know how!

The crux of the problem. The foundation of all our worries. We don't know how, or are unwilling to give our lives over to God. Not that we are not saved. Not that we do not know Jesus Christ. Not that we do not claim Him as our Lord. But do we give everything to Him? Not only our gifts, our abilities, our finances, our time--these things are hard enough. But what about our worries? Our troubles? Our trials?

Of all the things we should want to hand over to God, these would seem to be at the top of the list. We're always telling others that we'd gladly give them this or that burden, this or that problem. Sure, we say that, but do we really mean it? God's hands are open, willing to take all we are willing to give Him. Is there something you keep holding back?

Probably. I know I do. Tomorrow's finances. Stress at work. Conflict with my neighbor, my spouse, my kids. The hard stuff in life. The stuff only I can take care of. 

Oh wait . . .

Be still, and know that I am God . . .

In the deepest darkness, the roaring storm, highest mountains, lowest valleys--He is God. We are to be still, and know Him.

What do you need to give over to God?

Let Him carry your pack for a while, and see how it goes. I know you will be pleasantly surprised.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

False Guides

The world screams for your attention. Your job, your spouse, your kids, your own needs and desires. Everybody wants a piece of you. And everybody wants to tell you how to live. Television. Facebook. Google. Friends. Family.

Who do you listen to?

Who really matters? Is it your boss? Your spouse? Or is it you? Who will lead you to where you need to be? Not necessarily where you want to be. Where you need to be. There is only one answer.

His voice never lies.
If you listen to anyone else, anyone of this world--including yourself--you follow a false guide. The only true guide is God. His Holy Spirit, our Guide and Counselor, speaks only truth. He tells us what is right, what is good. His advice never fails. Listen to anyone else, and maybe it will work out. Maybe it won't. Are you willing to take that chance?

I have been lead astray many times.
I have listened to those other voices. I have walked the path of selfishness. I have been down the road of the world. I listened to those false guides, and before I knew it, I was lost. Often I was far away from where I needed to be before I ever realized I had strayed. 
It is so easy to get distracted. The world is so very loud, including that inner voice that is not of God, but of myself. I want. I envy. I desire. I think I know what is best for me, and I go after it. I listen to the worst false guide of all: Myself.
He does speak!

God reaches out to us. He speaks to us from within, that small, quiet voice that is so easy to ignore. We allow ourselves, or the world out there, to drown Him out. He lets us chose our way. Not because He desires for us to be lost, but because He desires us to seek Him. Were there no choices for us to make, faith would not matter.

We do make a choice, though. Every day, every second, we chose. Will I listen to God, or will I listen to those other voices. Truth, or false guides? Who will I follow? Do I desire what feels good, or what is best? The choice is mine. And yours.

What guide have you chosen?

Have you chosen to listen to Him to show you the way? If so, tell us about it!