Monday, February 2, 2015

Christian Prepares for Battle

A relic of times gone by, marked by the scars of battles past. Out of place. Out of time. An anachronism. 

It was his only hope. It always had been. From the first days, when Man battled Evil face to face, to now, when battles were fought in the shadows of the Spirit World. The lands of war had moved, but the weapons of destruction, and the armors of defense, remained the same.

Truth defended against lies. Righteousness battled defilement. Readiness overcame sloth. Faith shielded against the fiery arrows of evil. Salvation crowned victory. The Word slayed the Dragon. As spoken to the Ephesians by the Herald of Truth.

It sounded archaic. Fanciful. The stuff of legends and fairytales.

It was real. True. The necessities of Christian's life. Today.

The Dragon. He was real. He was here. The Battle was coming.

That fiery serpent was growing ever more brazen, refusing to accept defeat. His army was growing, an army of disillusioned and mislead souls. An army of demons and evil. Thousands. Millions. Billions.

Evil was mounting. The Battle was coming. The End was near.

Christian knew not the hour, nor the day, but he knew better than to be caught unprepared. He knew skirmishes would foretell the Battle of the End, and knew those skirmishes would claim the lives of many. Those unprepared would be caught up by the Dragon, to either serve him or face his crushing jaws of destruction.

Either way, they were doomed.

Christian would not be among them. Come that day, that frightful, glorious day, he would fight. Armor in place, sword at his side, he opened his soul to Truth.

I am ready . . . 

1 comment:

  1. good read Seriously is there a book you've written that I could read? God bless
