Saturday, January 31, 2015

Christian Faces the Dragon

It could have been a picture of times past, or times future. A memory of events long ago, or a premonition of times to come. It could have been. But it wasn't. It was today. It was real.

Christian could see the Dragon.

He was never far. Always hovering, searching, seeking to devour. Eyes gazing this way and that, scales pulsing a deep, dark red. Sinewy legs with sharp talons poised, ready to pounce and snare the helpless prey below. His mouth was ever open and from it came the sweetest, most tantalizing sound Christian had ever heard.

A song of death. But few knew it for what it was.

The sound was so . . . mesmerizing. Like the cooing of an innocent babe, or melody of the sweetest ballad of love. Hidden whispers soothed the heart, promising the desires of the soul. The Dragon was the master of his game. Deceit. Lies. Death.

But the World couldn't see. They couldn't see him for who he was. They didn't know his song was a lie. They were desperate, and he knew it. In their desperation, he promised to give them what they wanted.

Christian had danced that dance before. He'd heard the song of the Beast, been drawn to the alluring sound. He'd embraced the sweet melody, believed the promises too rich to be false, too empty to be true. Yes, he'd faced the Dragon. And he'd seen.

Even now, though he knew Truth, Satan's song came to him. Pleading, demanding, threatening, promising. All lies, but oh so tempting! Masquerading as truth, seeming so right and feeling so good! That voice, the words of the Serpent, led to destruction, but they certainly sounded like heaven.

Christian turned away. He'd seen the Dragon before, knew his games. Today was not the day of Battle. But he knew.
One day . . . One day soon . . .


  1. good - getting to like this guy Christian! :)

    1. Thanks! It's a tough world he (we) live in. Let's us pray he is up for the fight!
