Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Lost Art of Gratitude

Sometimes I have to remind my young children to say thank you. Not very often any more, as they are learning to be thankful, and to express that thankfulness. We started with this motto: "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit!" Say Thank you, and mean it! They're getting it.

Some adults, though . . .

We live in an ungracious, self-centered, society. Nothing is good enough for me. I want the newly-released, ultra-deluxe gizmo, not this perfectly functional model from yesterday. Oh, and I wanted it last week, not today! What were you thinking? Don't you know who I am? I deserve it!

I want it, and I'm entitled to it! That seems to be our mantra today. I've earned it, just by being me.

And it doesn't stop with stuff.

We think we're entitled to the best stuff all right. Whatever our neighbor has, we want better. Keeping up with the Jones' has morphed into keeping ahead of the Jones'.   And not just houses, cars, cell phones, etc. If Larry has 500 Facebook friends, I should have 1,000. If Sally gets invited to lunch, I should get invited on a cruise. If they get, then I deserve . . .

And we Christians aren't much better. At least we know where everything comes from, right? So what do we do? God, I know you want what's best for me. Well here's what it looks like. My wife needs to respect me more. My kids need to be perfect in school, and have a starting position in every sport. My boss needs to realize what I'm worth (I should be the boss). Don't you know who I am God? I deserve it!

We don't mean it when we say thank you.

If we say it at all. Oh, we throw thanks all around. Thanks for coming means thanks for leaving. Oh, you shouldn't have! means you really shouldn't have. Thank you for this food means I'm hungry, let's eat.

Don't think so? Check your heart the next time you thank someone, including God, for something. Did you mean it? Are you truly thankful, satisfied with what you got? Is you heart glad? Or was it reflex, the right thing to say whether you meant it or not? It matters.

God knows the difference. 

Whatever comes out of our mouth, God knows what's in the heart. You might fool Aunt Gertrude into thinking you really like that knitted sweater, but you can't fool God.

We are to give God sincere thanks, not lip service. He doesn't want words. He desires worship. He wants us to realize what He has given us, and to truly thank Him. And why shouldn't we? Do you realize what He has given you? I'm not going to answer that for you. Think about it.

Be thankful.

For so many reasons, be thankful. For what you have, and what you do not. God knows what's best for you. And what really matters, He already gave.