Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What I Learned From my Kids

Yep, those are my kids. And sure, you may think they are cute, innocent, and wonderful. Well, actually, they are. Cute and wonderful at least. Innocent? Not always. But here are some things I've learned from my kids.

They believe in you.

Jesus talked about child-like faith. Before I had kids, I didn't know what that meant. But kids believe in their parents. They trust them unconditionally. Every one of my kids has been stuck in a tree, and had to jump into my arms. If I missed, they were going to get hurt, and they knew it. They jumped anyway. That's trust. Don't abuse it.

They need you to be there.

It takes time. It means sacrifice. You'll have to put your own interests and desires on the back burner. And it's not always easy. But your kids need you to be there. And not just present, but active in their lives. They are not, and should not be the center of the universe, but they need you. If you are not there, they will find someone else. Who do you want influencing your kids, you or someone else?

They know how to forgive.

I have wronged my children time and again. I have been angry when I shouldn't have been. I have lost my patience, broken promises, and failed times without number. But you know what? They forgave me. You see, I'm their dad. They love me. They know what it means to forgive. How humbling is that?

They are loyal.

It doesn't matter if the world thinks I can do anything. My kids believe I can do everything. No matter what, they stick by my side. If we were picking teams to play soccer, and my daughter got to chose between me and David Beckham, she'd chose me. Not because she doesn't know who the better player is, but because she's loyal. There's something to be learned in that.

They are temporary.

OK, so I'm getting older. My oldest is a teenager. In many ways, he's no longer a child. He's a young man. Gone are the days of hiding under a blanket and not being found. Gone are the days of being the fastest runner in the house. Gone are the days of believing they will never grow up. It's happening. It's not going to stop. They'll not be children forever, and one day they'll be gone. Do your best, and enjoy it while you can.

They are a gift.

I didn't want kids when I got married. I wanted freedom, and fun, and life. God gave me three children. And you know what? He was right. He was right in knowing that I would love them. He was right in knowing that I needed them. He was right in knowing that in them I would find the very things I wanted. Freedom to explore life through the eyes of a child. Remembering how to have fun. Learning what life is really about. Children are a gift. Be thankful.

They are not easy.

Every lesson above has come with a price. I had to invest in them before they believed in me. I had to spend time with them to learn they needed me to be there. I had to see their tears before I learned they would forgive me. I had to fail them before learning they were loyal. I had to see them grow up before I knew they were temporary.

And now, knowing what they have taught me, I realize what incredible gifts they truly are.



  1. God bless your family always in Jesus Name! :)

    1. Thank you Laetitia. God bless you and yours as well!

  2. Très profond comme d'habitude, ^^ Histoire et témoignage d'une vie avec Dieu.
    C'est ce que chaque Chrétien devrait faire, témoigner de sa propre expérience avec et au regard de la Parole de Dieu!
    Chacun doit témoigner du verset 29 de Matthieu 11
    Que le Seigneur nous fortifie et dirige nos cœurs dans Son Amour!

  3. Je prie chaque jour pour ça, pour que le témoignage de notre marche avec Christ accompagne notre prédication, ou qu'il soit visible par tous, tout le temps. Ainsi notre Dieu sera glorifié et les gens verraient combien Notre Il est vivant, agissant puissamment dans le secret de nos cœurs et rugissant comme un Lion pour nous délivrer de l'épreuve.
    Ici, en France où la laïcité, la cupidité et la démagogie sont déifiés et où être Chrétien est vu comme une folie, beaucoup d'entre nous cèdent et se conformer au siècle présent. Leur sel perd en goût et leur lumière, son éclat.
    Prions pour que cela change, partout dans le monde =)

  4. yes indeed they are gifts! God bless your children!

    1. Plantingpotatoes, may God cause His face to shine upon all of our children. Amen.
