Friday, March 11, 2016

Someone's Always Watching

Ever make a stupid mistake, and hope no one saw you?

Here's the bad news. They did. I know. I've been there, and done that.

Here are some examples. Some of them are mine, some are anonymous. I'll let you decide which is which.

We're all harebrained at times.

Ever pull in to the gas station with the pump on the wrong side and try to stretch the hose over the top of the vehicle? Usually doesn't work.

Ever push the button on a vending machine about 50 times before you realize you haven't put in enough money? Forget your PIN at the ATM? Go to the store, get to the checkout, and realize you don't have your wallet/purse? Or not enough money?

Ever been caught with your fly open, shirt buttoned wrong, or a hole in your pants? Get out of the house with your shirt on backwards, or inside out and someone will notice. Every time.

Lock you keys in the car? Guarantee someone will be there to witness it. Get pulled over by the police? Half the people you know will drive by, even if you're out of state. Lose your car in a mall parking lot and at least a dozen people will see you wandering around, pushing the lock button trying to hear the horn.

Get a flat tire in rush hour and no one will look your way, but stop to utilize God's latrine in the middle of the night and 3 people will stop to see if you need help.

When I get it right, no once notices. But one little slip . . .

Someone's always watching.

Like the person who buried their car in wet concrete in a highway construction zone. They ended up on the news, and about a million Facebook shares. The person who ran their convertible--with the top open--through a car wash? 5 minutes of fame--or rather infamy.

Drive your car in a lake, leave your kid at the store, enter an exit ramp on the interstate (I know someone who did that!), send a get-well card on funeral flowers (it's happened),  or a sympathy card to a wedding and someone's cell phone will capture the moment.

The moral of the story?

There is no such thing as privacy out there. Keep that in mind, or you just might end up on Facebook. 

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