Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Better Times Are Coming

This life hurts.

You could even say, at times, life isn't fair, fun, or even worth getting out of bed. People get hurt. They get sick. Sometimes we even lose them completely. There is pain. There is sorrow. There is the constant shadow of death hanging over us.

God gets it. He really does.

We could say that this wasn't God's intent, and we'd be right--God created the world perfect, without pain, or sorrow, or death. We're the ones who mucked things up. But what good does knowing that do us now? What good is knowing what was meant to be?

We are hurting. We are suffering. We are afraid. That's now. That's where we are. This isn't Eden. This life isn't perfect. Not by a long shot.

Better times are coming.

God understands our hurts, our pains, our losses and fears. He gets it. He's been there. When Jesus was here in the flesh, God looked at Him every day knowing He was going to die. He knew the pain and suffering His Son would face. He understands the apprehension of watching a loved one near their time. He's walked that lonely path.

He also knows better times are ahead.

God's plan is for us to live once again in a world of perfection. A world without pain. A world without fear. A world without suffering, sorrow, and even the shadow of death. You see, God did not create us to die. He created us to live. And live we will!

A time is coming when there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain. Never again will we fear losing someone we love. Forevermore will we know the joy of being together, walking hand in hand with those we love without the restraining specter of death peering over our shoulder.

Those are better times. That is God's plan for us. That is our future.


I don't know. No one does. What I do know is this: I have hope.

Today is hard, but tomorrow--whenever that tomorrow comes--will be worth all I go through today and more. I can endure the hurt of today knowing that once tomorrow comes, I will never hurt again. I can say goodbye knowing it is for only the briefest of moments. I can let go today knowing I will never have to do it again.

It's not easy, all this waiting, watching, worrying. Even knowing what is to come, I feel the pain of today. But that hope, that knowledge that one day God will wipe away every tear, comfort every fear, and whisper soft words of love to my aching soul helps me get through.

This life hurts, it is true.

But better times are coming.


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