Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A Storm Is Coming

No one can avoid it.

I don't know when, but a storm is coming. What it will look like remains to be seen, but without a doubt, it approaches. Dark. Foreboding. Dangerous.

Something is going to happen. To me. To you. To everyone.

How do I know?

Because life is what it is.

Storms come. That is the inevitable, unavoidable truth. As long as you live, you will face storms. Some you see coming in the distance, others spring upon you unexpectedly. They may rumble and roar, they may shriek and howl, or they may engulf you silently like a flood.

Whatever their nature, you will have to deal with them. The storms of life show no favoritism. The rich and the poor, the old and the young, the faithful and the non-believing--everybody has storms.

Your storm may be health issues, or marital problems. Finances or relationships. Stress, worry, fear, insecurity, persecution--storms have many names, and life is full of them.

Yours is coming.

Perhaps you've had calm weather for a long time. Prepare. Be ready. Your turn is coming. It's a fact of life.

Whether it be God sending a trial your way to strengthen you, or Satan testing you to tear you down, it's going to happen. If you're in the middle of a storm now, you know what I mean. It can be frightening, even terrifying. You may feel small and helpless. Storms always seem bigger than us, and they usually are.

You don't beat a storm. You can weather it. You can ride it out. You can survive, and even thrive, but you can't beat it. How can you defeat the wind? How do you stop the rain? What power do you have against onslaught?

None. At least not of yourself.

What will you do?

What should you do? I can't answer that, because I don't know what your storm is, or what it will be. I don't even know my own to come. I only know that come they will.

Personally, I depend on God to get me through the storms. He is my shelter, my rock, my strong fortress. I really don't know how people face the storms of life without Him. Sometimes they don't. I've seen many crushed and destroyed. Strong men and women, swept away by a flood of desire, or greed, or fear. So much pain. So much suffering.

I don't want to see you go through that. I don't want to lose you.

I want you to know God is there.

He's my fortress. He's willing to be yours as well.

No matter the storm, no matter who you are or where you are, He is there.

Remember that, when the winds start to rise.

A storm is coming.

Be ready.

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