Wednesday, March 9, 2016

My God Cares

God is good . . . all the time.

I don't know everything. Sometimes I don't know much. There are, however, two things I know. Maybe even three.

First, I know that God is good. This is a simple, but all encompassing statement that probably has less impact on us than is deserved. Part of the reason is because we use the word good to describe pretty much everything. That was a good meal. That was a good ballgame. I had a good time. Oh, and God's good, too. Good grief!

To say that God is good is not to comment on His quality, but rather to describe His nature. God is inherently good, no matter what. A burger isn't so good when it's burnt, blow-out ballgames aren't that fun to watch, and a good time can be ruined in a moment.

God's not like that. No matter what, no matter when, no matter how, God is good. Nothing can change that.

That's number one.

I will have times of trouble.

As much as I'd like to think I won't, I'm going to have bad days. Life is hard. I'm going to screw it up some days, and others it's not going to be my fault at all. Doesn't change a thing. I'm going to have trouble at home, trouble at work, trouble with others and trouble with myself.

When I was younger, a neighbor of ours said my middle name should be trouble. Maybe they were right.

Trouble seems to follow me around, but I don't feel so bad about that because I know it follows you as well. I don't even know who you are, but it doesn't matter. Everyone has had trouble, has trouble, and will have trouble. That's called life.

That's two.

God is there for those who trust Him.

This may actually be a result or an extension of number one, but is big enough it earns a spot of its own (and I'd rather say I know three things than two!). In our verse above, this idea that God is there for those who trust Him is brought out in the words refuge and cares.

That God is a refuge in times of trouble means that He is there as a place of safety and shelter when your world wobbles on its axis. Like an injured child runs to his mother for comfort, so can we turn to God when we are hurt, afraid, confused, or whatever. When trouble strikes, God is our safe haven.

When we get to Him, when we reach that place of refuge and safety, we find a God who cares. Not a distant, impersonal, uncaring deity who has no interest in the mundane matters of humanity, but rather a loving and caring Abba Father who will wrap His loving arms around us and make everything feel right again.

A simple verse with three important lessons.

God is good. I will have trouble. When I do, God is there for me.

If that's all I know, I'm not doing so bad after all. 


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