Wednesday, November 25, 2015

So Much To Be Thankful For . . .

Where do I begin?

Everything starts with God. So shall I.

I am thankful for God, who loves and watches over me, who provides everything from the air I breathe and the food I eat, to the clothes I wear and the house in which I live. My wife, my children, and everything I have, down to the very fingers I use to type these words, are gifts from God.

His Son, through whom I have forgiveness of sins and eternal life. His love, through which all these are provided. That's something to be thankful for, wouldn't you say?

My family.

I have a wife who is faithful, loving, and generous, to name a few of her many attributes. Standing by my side all the day long, laying beside me at night, I am thankful for her. She is the better half of the two God has made into one. I love her. I thank God for love.

Three kids who are healthy, intelligent, active, and love the Lord. They are obedient, well-behaved, and, thanks to my wife, good-looking kids. My son is becoming a man seeking God's heart. My daughters are beautiful young ladies who bring joy to the world. My heart aches to know they are growing up. I couldn't be more proud. I couldn't be more thankful.

My Dad is gone, but I am thankful for who he was in my life. I miss him. I'm grateful for the memories, the lessons, the good times and the bad. I will see him again. That brings a smile.

My mom. So generous, so loving. Eager to be a part of our lives, gracious to give us our space. Willingly she sacrifices her wants and needs to watch soccer, basketball, cross-country, softball games. The on-call babysitter, no matter what. A fount of wisdom which is offered when asked, but not poured out with reckless abandon. We all love her. We are thankful.

Two successful sisters whom I love, and feel loved by in return. They played a large part in molding me into who I am (the good parts only, they would say). I don't do my part to stay as close as we should, but I know they are always there. I hope they realize the same.

Grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces and
nephews . . . with family I am blessed.


God-loving, faithful, call-in-the-middle-of-the-night friends. You are there. I know that. Thank you.

Those guys--you know who you are--who pick me up when I've fallen, or knock me down when I get out of line. That's brotherhood. Enough said.

So much more . . .

My country. My church. My pastors. My job. Our home. Our hope. Our future. Our past.

I'm thankful for it all. It's a good ride, this life.

Thank you God for letting me be part of it.

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