Monday, November 30, 2015

Bring Back The Bubble Lights

Remember these?

For those who are too young, too sheltered, or too whatever, this is a bubble light, and they are awesome. As a child, these were a staple of our Christmas tree decorations. I spent untold hours watching in fascination as the mysterious fluid percolated, causing an unending stream of magical bubbles to rise to the top. It was pretty cool.

Of course, as it goes now-a-days, bubble lights were deemed too dangerous and went the way of the mercury thermometer. I guess the 'mysterious fluid' inside was poisonous, but Mom just told me not to drink it, so I didn't. Kind of like looking both ways before you cross the road, some advice is worth following.

Nothing is completely safe.

Despite our best efforts, it's still a dangerous world we live in. Take house fires. With all the advancements in home wiring systems, electronic safety features, less combustible building materials and decorations and so forth, you'd think house fires would be a thing of the past. But they're not. Everybody should have smoke detectors in their homes, because you just never know. No house is fireproof.

The same is true of our marriages. Our small group is going through the Fireproof Your Marriage study. It certainly isn't the newest rage in couples' Bible studies, but it is as applicable today as when it was put together. Our discussions tonight lead us to discuss some precautions we take to protect our marriages.

Sometimes, you just have to be careful.

Besides being poisonous, bubble lights were also a fire risk. If the tree ran out of water and the branches dried out, or if the lights were not put on right, things could get ugly. Really, the risk was slight, but it was there. We knew this, but instead of just throwing out something that brought us joy, we did something else. We talked about how to be careful. We checked the base of the tree often to make sure there was water in the stand. We took precautions.

You see, the risk wasn't just in the lights. The greater risk was our behavior. If the tree dried out, and the lights were buried deep in the branches, the built up heat could lead to combustion. Our actions, or lack thereof, greatly determined whether our Christmas tree would be a source of great joy, or disastrous calamity. We had to be careful with this wonderful part of our lives.

Which brings us to marriage.

My marriage is a treasure, and so is yours. Maybe you don't think so right now, but it is. Marriage is a gift and privilege afforded to us by God. This sacred union between husband and wife (and that is what God calls a marriage) is often used in the Bible to represent our relationship with God. That's a big deal. The Church is referred to as not the son, nor daughter, but rather the bride of Christ. That's how important marriage is to God.

As a great treasure, marriage must be protected. I'm not talking about the sociopolitical battle going on right now--that's a topic for another day. I'm talking about your exclusive relationship with your husband/wife. Wedding vows often include the phrase, "Forsaking all others," or something to that effect. As well as,"For richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do us part." Marriage is your responsibility for as long as you both shall live.

What does this have to do with bubble lights?

Maybe it's a stretch, but stick with me. Bubble lights were a treasure of sorts in our home. They gave our lives beauty, pleasure, and happiness. They also took work, and we had to be careful with them. If we didn't, the whole house could go up in flames.

Ah, now you see, don't you? The same is true of marriage. It is the most intimate and rewarding relationship we can have with another person. It is also rife with danger if we don't take care of it. Marriage itself is not dangerous. It's what we do with it.

Marriages can last.

Bubble lights are making a comeback. People have learned what the dangers are, and made adjustments. I pray the same will be true of marriage in the near future. Instead of throwing it away as so many have done, we need to learn to treat it as the treasure it is.

Bring back the bubble lights, and bring back what marriage used to be. Some things in life are worth taking care of.

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