Sunday, November 16, 2014

God of Mercy, Grace, Truth, and Justice

     An excerpt from a future book, tentatively titled The Wrong Side of the Daisies. A conversation between God (the Voice), and a man by the name of Jon. If this sounds too harsh, refer to Revelation 3:14-22.
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      "It disgusts me," the Voice answered, "when men refuse to take a stand for what is right and good. I have told you what those things are, and those things which are wrong and evil. I have instructed you to stand firmly in support of the one, and opposed to the other. And yet, most do not. Even when it is for their own good, most are too lazy, too self absorbed, too hard of heart and blind to put forth the effort to stand firm. When faced with opposition, they back away, pandering to false truths of tolerance, liberty, their version of 'love your neighbor.' They believe my word is too strict, that I myself do not stand so firmly for, nor against, that which my word says. What do you think, Jon?"
      "I think your word is right, and you stand for what it says."
      "My word is me and I am my word!" God's voice thundered. "I have spoken what is true, and what is true can never be changed. What is right is right; what is wrong is wrong. These things will never pass away. My feet are firmly planted in what is righteous and good, and my right hand strongly opposes all which is evil. There are those who claim to speak in my name who say otherwise, who claim to know that I am a God of tolerance, a God of compromise. They are wrong. I am God of truth, God of justice. I am also God of mercy, God of grace, but they abuse my mercy and grace, thinking it allows them freedom to do whatever evil they desire, and to tolerate the evil around them. Because of that, they disgust me. What do you do when something disgusts you, Jon?"
      "I get rid of it."
      "And so shall I. Because they refuse to stand for what is right or against what is wrong, I shall rid myself of them. I will vomit them from my mouth like the vile and tasteless filth they are. They believe they know who I am, but they know me not at all. Because of that, I shall not claim them, and will throw them far from myself. Then they will realize, despite their 'wisdom' and 'understanding,' that they have nothing."
      Jon stood silent, waiting. What he was waiting for, he didn't know. But he had the feeling the Voice had more to say. He was right.
      "If only they would open their eyes to see, and their minds to understand, then they would know. They would throw away their useless 'understandings' and clothe themselves with the truth of my word. In knowing me, they would see that my way is right and good, if not easy. They would see the value in taking a stand, and I would find worth in them once again."
      The Voice paused, and when it resumed, a tone of sadness had crept in.
      "But very few will. For most, their hearts are too hard, their minds too corrupt, and their desires too strong. They will hear my truth, but ignore it. Continuing in their ways, they will be neither for me, nor against me. They will claim me, but will not lend credence to my truths. By their inaction, their refusal to hold to what is right and despise what is wrong, they will lead even more astray than those who openly oppose me. They are the tools of the enemy, and as such they will be cast into the fires of my judgment unless they repent."

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