Thursday, January 22, 2015

Crazy Followers, Lost Normals. Christian Tries to Find His Place.

It was simply another day. Neither one to remember, nor one to forget. It was, in all, a most remarkably unremarkable day. Looking back, Christian was not even sure where the hours went. What had he done? What did he have to show for dragging himself out of bed this morning? He had to wonder . . .

Was this all there was to life?

He was a Follower. Where was the glitz, the glamor, the glory?  Where were the trumpets, the trials, the temptations? Where was the excitement? Followers were not supposed to have ho-hum days, were they? They were supposed to be filled with the Spirit, shining brightly like the sun, right? Ho-hum was for the Lost.

In this place where he lived, known as The World, lived two types of people: The Followers, of which he was one, and everyone else. Everyone else referred to themselves as Normal, while The Followers referred to them as Lost. In turn, the Lost referred to the Followers as Crazies. Followers-Crazies. Normals-Lost. Just another day in The World.

Christian wondered, as he sometimes did, where he was supposed to fit in.

If he was a Crazy, then shouldn't he feel differently? Because he sure didn't today. Today felt an awfully lot like a Normal day. Today he blended in with the masses, did his thing, and went back home. Was that right? Should he have done something differently? What had he missed?

Sighing, he settled himself in bed.

Maybe tomorrow would be different. Maybe tomorrow he would feel more like a Follower.

Or maybe, just maybe, he wasn't supposed to feel any differently at all.


  1. It has taken half my life to learn that the question we all ask at some point, "where do I fit in" is actually a trick question! I felt like I was suddenly set free of prison when I finally figured that one out! God bless!

    1. It is a trick question, depending on how you look at it. As Christians, we should not "fit in" this world at all. We are not to be conformed, but to live holy lives. God bless you as well.
