Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day

To the families of those who have fallen in battle for our freedoms, our liberties, our existence, I say thank you.

This is what Memorial Day is. We commemorate and give thanks for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our national cause. No matter the war or conflict, no matter the politics, those who have fallen in battle have done so for your sake. Think about that. They fought, and died, for you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13).

I cannot, in good conscience, avoid the parallel that exists between those men and women who have fallen for us and the reality of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. He also fought a battle for us, and won.

One definition of a hero is a person who demonstrates unusual courage or nobility of purpose, especially in sacrifice of their own life. When I hear the stories of what the members of our military have done, I am amazed. From the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan . . . and so many more, the feats of bravery, courage, and sacrifice are innumerable. And the numbers of those we today remember--staggering.

Call to mind Arlington National Cemetery, or the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial; The Wall listing the names of those who fell in Vietnam; the iconic picture of the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima. If you do not get a chill down your spine, feel the goosebumps raise your skin, or have tears form in the corners of your eyes, picture them again and think about it. They died for you and me, that we may have what we have today.

Greater love has no one than this . . .

Our national fallen are heroes. Their acts, known and unknown, are the payment for our freedom written in the ink of blood, just as are the acts of Jesus Christ. We should not and cannot take that lightly. And observance of their sacrifice one day a year, while right and good, is insufficient. We owe them our freedom, our liberty, our country. They gave us all they had. We can give them more than a three day weekend to go camping, fry fish, and have a short work week. Remember them. Honor them. 

I end as I began. Thank you to the families of those who have fallen in the name of The United States of America. I am proud, and thankful, to bear that name.

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