Sunday, May 4, 2014


It only seems fitting, after a weekend of sharing with so many friends, to talk about the subject a bit.

What is a friend?

I read somewhere once (I'd reference it if I could remember where it came from, but I can't) that every guy needs two or three friends who would help him bury a body in the backyard. I would never ask my friends to do that, and I pray my life never comes to that. But, if it ever did, I have friends like that. Guys who would not only stand by me, but roll up their sleeves and jump in a hole to help me dig.

Dedicated. Unswerving. Through thick and thin.


Now don't get me wrong. I am not saying you have to be willing to commit a felony to be considered a friend to me or anyone else--that's not the point. The point, in this case taken to an extreme, is that a friend is there for you in good times and bad. A friend is someone you celebrate with, and cry to. Someone you lift up, and lean on. A person who will listen, and give advice when needed--and usually knows the difference.

This past weekend I have been encouraged by many friends. And I thank you all. The emails, cards, gifts, Facebook messages, phone calls, texts, and personal conversations all meant something to me. They told me I am not alone. They told me I matter to someone. They told me I have friends.

I am not what many (anyone!) would call a social butterfly, but friends matter. Though I say I would be quite content locked away with only my computer and solitude to keep me company, I know that is not true. Everyone needs friends. Even me.

Without friends, where would we be? Or, more correctly, how would we be?

Alone. Depressed. Without joy. Tired. Defeated.

The list could go on and on. But with friends, with our companions in this life, we may feel any of those emotions for a short time, but need not feel them for long. Our friends will help us, lift us up, and get us back in the game. And when things are going well?  Friends just make it all the better.

So that's it. Just a short (for me) note on friendship and what it means to me. It's my way of saying thank you to the people who walk with me.

Oh, and by the way--that's you, whoever you are.

Thank you for being there.

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