Monday, April 3, 2017

Stronger Together

Ecclesiastes 4:12

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

I often fall into the trap of thinking that I can and should be able to do everything myself. Whether it be fixing something, working on a project, solving a problem--whatever. I'm supposed to be strong, independent, self-sufficient. I should never admit I don't know how to do something or, God forbid, ask for help. We--especially us men--are supposed to be able to do it all. Aren't we?

The passage of Scripture from Ecclesiastes 4:8 through 4:12 gives a different perspective. It starts out with this: Two are better than one. 

This is a passage that is often read at weddings, and indeed it is fitting for that purpose. That is not, however, how it is written. Read verse 10: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who fall and has no one to help him up! This is about a couple of guys out working; if one of them falls into a hole, the other can help him out. But if that guy is alone . . .

Verse 12, quoted above, is similar. One guy alone can be attacked and overpowered. Two guys together, however, can stand back to back and defend themselves from every direction. Add a third to the mix and they will not be easily taken down.

We are stronger together.

Man or woman, young or old, it doesn't matter. We are stronger together than we are alone. This is not a picture of a chain which, as the saying goes, is only as strong as its weakest link. This is a rope, one whose strands are woven together. If one strand has a weak point, the other two are right there to pick up the load.

Life isn't easy. We all have heavy loads to haul, and we all have our weak points. If we try to go it alone, sooner or later those weak points are going to lead to catastrophic failure--we're gonna snap. With no one beside us to pick up the load, the result won't be pretty. But a cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

We need each other. You may not like to admit it--I don't like to admit it--but it's true. I am stronger with a couple guys by my side than I could ever be by myself. Not just physically, but spiritually. I need the accountability of one or two friends who are going to ask the hard questions, and not let me squirm around the answer. Who are going to hold my heels to the fire when I screw up, and give me the encouragement I need to get back on track. Who will celebrate with me when I succeed, and pick me up out of the dirt when I fall flat on my face.

I need those guys to reach down and pull me out when I fall in a pit of sin, to stand beside me and fight off the attacks of temptation, to work with me to accomplish more than I could possibly do alone. It doesn't matter if I want them or not--I need them. Even if I am strong by myself, I am even stronger with them beside me. And who doesn't want to be stronger, better, more productive?

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. 

Who is at your side?

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