Friday, April 21, 2017

Showing The Way To Christ

How do I explain salvation?

This is a common question. Many people are hesitant to talk about Christ because they're not confident in explaining the path to salvation. Years in church, which should make this opportunity a welcome one, often instead shroud the answer in layers of theological mystery and human tradition. We hear pastors and teachers talking about justification, sanctification, propitiation, and even transubstantiation and think, "I'll never be able to explain all that to someone!"

The good news is, you don't have to.

Salvation is simple.

The way to Christ is very clear. One of the easiest ways to show someone to Christ is something called the Romans Road. This is a few verses of Scripture from the book of Romans which explain the need for salvation, and how salvation is obtained through faith in Jesus Christ. This will not explain everything about Christianity--an entire lifetime studying God will not reveal everything about Him!--but it tells us what we, and anyone we talk to, needs to know.

These few verses can be marked in your Bible, written down and put in your wallet, or even memorized so you can have them at the ready to help someone understand the way to Christ.

First, everyone needs a Savior.

Some people think they don't need to be saved from anything. They believe they are a good person. They believe their good outweighs their bad. The Bible says that's not how it works.

Romans 3:23, the first step on the Romans Road, says: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

No one is good enough for God. Everybody has sinned and fallen short of the standard required for God's glory. Sin is one thing we all have in common.

Second, there is a price to be paid for our sin.

Romans 6:23, the next step, says: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.

The wages, or reward, or price of sin is death. And, since we learned from Romans 3:23 that all have sinned, then all have earned the reward of death. This isn't just mortal death--it is eternal separation from God. That's spiritual death. Eternal existence spent paying for our sins. Hell. That's the price of sin.

The latter part of this verse foreshadows salvation--there is a way out!

 Third, the penalty for our sin has already been paid!

Romans 5:8 reads, But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Christ died for us! That means Christ died to pay the penalty for our sins! Everyone has sinned, the wages of sin is death, but God loves us so much that He sent His Son to pay that price! We can be saved yet!

But how?

Confess and trust Jesus.

Romans 10, 9-10 promises, If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

This is how simple salvation is. You believe in Jesus, and then say it. You believe you have sinned, that your sin means you deserve death, that Jesus died in your place. You believe this in your heart, and then say it. You admit it to God and the world.

It really is that simple. 

God accepts everyone.

This is not a limited offer. It doesn't matter what someone has done. All have sinned, and Christ died for all sin. Anyone and everyone can accept Christ.

Romans 10:13 says, For, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

Everyone. Bar none. All who walk each step of this road will be saved. Acknowledgement of sin. Acceptance that sin leads to death. Understanding that Christ died in our place. Belief in Jesus as Savior. Confession of faith.

That's the way to Christ.

Is it everything? No. Can you save anyone by telling them this? No, that's up to God. Is it your privilege and responsibility to be able to relay the simple Gospel when the opportunity comes? Yes, it is.

Keep these few verses with you, and experience the joy of showing someone the way to Christ by walking down the Romans Road.

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