Monday, April 17, 2017

Don't Read This!

Did you ignore the warning?

Obviously you did, because here you are, reading. And obviously that's what I wanted you to do. It's a trap of sorts. One to make a point. Or maybe two.

First, it's really tempting to do what we're not supposed to do, isn't it? The saying goes, "Forbidden fruit is much the sweeter." It's a lie, but it's one we fall for all too often. We want that which we're not supposed to have. Why?

Maybe because we don't like to be told no. Probably, for many of us, that's true. We're adults. We've earned the right to make our own decisions. We get to decide what we should, and shouldn't, do. Right? And we don't like for anyone else to tell us what those things are, whether it be the government, our doctor, our pastor, or even--to be honest--God Himself.

We want to do, and have, what we want. When someone tells me I can't have something, then I want it all the more. It's selfishness, I suppose. That and pride. I want it and I deserve it because I'm me. Those two will lead us down some dark and dangerous paths.

Not only is it tempting to do that which we should not do, it is also temporarily fulfilling. It's fun to fly down the road 20 MPH over the speed limit, or more. It makes us feel powerful, free, independent. No one can tell me what I can do. No one can chain me down. If I want to drive fast, I will.

It's a buzz. The fact that it's forbidden makes the buzz all the stronger. I know it's wrong, but I'm getting away with it! I'm above the rules. I can handle the risk. I too smart to get caught. I . . . I . . . I. The problem with "I" is that it feels good for a while, until the truth hits. When the flashing lights appear in the rear view mirror, it doesn't feel good any more. That buzz that felt so good dissolves so very quickly, doesn't it.

My point is, we all to often fall to the temptations of the world not because we don't know right from wrong, but because we chose to do that which we know we should not. Our pride and desire for instant gratification overpower our better senses. We are, in a word, carnal.

And there is a price to be paid. That forbidden fruit, so tempting, is often found to be rotten or poisonous. That buzz that felt so good, when it is over, leaves us drained and empty. Doing wrong will never provide a lasting pleasure. Only right can do that, because true joy comes from God, and God will never lead you down the wrong path.

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