Monday, November 7, 2016

Who Is God?

We had a good discussion in our Sunday School class yesterday.

We were discussing the different names of God, and how we have experienced God by His different names. For example, many of us have experienced God as Provider, Comforter, our Strong Fortress, Prince of Peace, and Savior.

Some people have many gods. To them, their Provider is not the same as their Comforter, and their Strong Fortress is not their Prince of Peace. As in the times of Paul, these people have so many Gods they do not even know who they all are, or what they do. When Paul was in Athens, he commented on their tribute to AN UNKNOWN GOD (Acts 17:23).

For me as a Christian, there is only one God. He presents in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but He remains one God. This reality of the Trinity is difficult to understand, but I believe it to be true. I also believe it to be true that my God is the only God I need, and, in fact, is the only God there is.

But who is He?

Moses asked this question.

At the burning bush, when God told Moses to go to the Israelites with a message, Moses asked how he should respond when the people asked him what God's name was, God responded, "I AM WHO I AM" (Exodus 3:13, 14). That pretty much sums it up, doesn't it. Who is God? He is Who He Is.

So if God is I AM WHO I AM, what does that mean?

There are many titles for God in the Bible, and He is all of them. He is God Almighty; God Most High; Lord; God Everlasting; Father; Savior; Counselor; Provider . . . the list goes on and on. What sets God apart from idols is that He truly is who He says He is. God truly is our Father. He truly is our Provider. He truly is  Savior, and Prince of Peace.

We don't need anyone else. He is our All in All.

Who is God to you?

This is an important question, and one that only you can answer. What do you know about God's role in your life? Is He your Strong and Mighty Fortress, a place of rest in times of trouble? Is He your Lord of Provision, who gives all things? Is He your Master, your Lord?

It is one thing to say God is everything to you. It's quite another to live it.

Who God is to you is evident by how you live. If you say God is your Provider, but you really look to the world (money) for provision, who is your god? If you say God is your Strong Tower, but in times of trouble you count on yourself for protection, who do you trust in? If you say God is your Comforter, but in times of pain you turn to a substance, where is your trust?

All of this is to say God is the great I AM. He is all we need Him to be, and more.