Monday, November 21, 2016

Give Me What I Deserve?

Here's the attitude of the world:

I've earned it, now give it to me.

I've put in the work, the hours, the effort. I've shed blood, sweat, and tears. I've got the title, the position, the name. I deserve it because of who I am, or who I know, or whatever.

Give me what I deserve.

Here's the reality of God.

Psalm 103:10  

He (God) does not treat us as our sins deserve 
 or repay us according to our iniquities.

Do you really want what you deserve?

Do you really want to live in a truly "fair" reality?

Do you really want God to be only "fair?"

Let me show you what that looks like.

No more grace.

Grace is unearned favor. In a purely "fair" world, there would be no unearned anything. Everyone would get exactly what they deserve, and nothing more.

That means no more Ephesians 2:8, which reads, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God."

In your "fair" world, the second half of Romans 6:23, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord, would not exist. There would be no gifts. No grace. No unearned favor.

We can't earn eternal life. It's given to us freely. Do you want God to start being "fair?"

No more mercy.

Mercy is the withholding of deserved punishment. In a "fair" world, everyone would get exactly what they deserve, and nothing less.

That means your sins, every single one of them, would count. And since Romans 3:23 tells us all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and Romans 6:23 tells us the wages of sin is (eternal) death, that's what we'd all get.

Game over.

God isn't fair.

I don't want Him to be. I don't want what I deserve. I want Him to be gracious. I need Him to be merciful. If He were fair apart from His mercy and His grace, I'd be doomed and damned. And so would you.

God isn't fair. He gives us more than we've earned, and punishes far less than we deserve.

Life isn't fair either.

Accept it, and be careful what you ask for.

If you start shouting for fairness, you just might get it.


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