Friday, August 5, 2016

Why I Believe

Why do I believe in God?

Taking a step back, it's a fantastical belief, really. I believe in a being I cannot see, cannot audibly hear, cannot touch, cannot definitively prove in any way.  I believe God does not only the improbable, but what man considers impossible. My beliefs are called illogical and irrational by many. My belief cost me in many ways. It is not easy to believe.

So why do I?

The simple answer is faith, and faith is the only answer I have. Faith is believing in what cannot be seen or proven. Faith is trusting in something based on belief rather than proof. Faith is following your heart, your gut, your soul. Faith is complete confidence, trust, and reliance. Faith is the opposite of doubt.

I believe in God because I do not doubt Him.

For some, that's not good enough.

I get that. I like proof. I like analysis. I like to be able to break things down, take them apart and see how they work. I like to understand the whys and the hows, what makes things work. As a child I took apart most of my toys to see what made them do what they did. In conversation, my track is logic, progressing from fact to fact, step by step. I don't like unanswered questions. I don't like unsolvable riddles. I don't like loose ends.

There's not much room in there for faith.

There is, however, something about God that draws me. He is that one beautiful equation that explains everything which so many great minds have sought. It is easier for me to believe that God created everything from nothing than it is for me to believe that everything was once packed into an infinitely small, infinitely dense particle that one day decided to blow up. Where did that infinitely small, infinitely dense particle come from?

My answer is God.

With God, so much makes sense that otherwise would not. Some who have much greater knowledge than I will argue against that, which is their right. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and opinions. For me, God not only makes sense, but He makes the world around me make sense. If God doesn't exist, then there just really isn't much point, in my opinion.

Once again, it comes down to faith.

Some use the example of the wind to explain their faith. You can't see it, but you can see what it does. God is like that. Others use the example of a light switch. I don't understand all the ins and outs of electricity, but I believe when I flip the switch the light will come on. There are many object lessons about God, but none of them perfectly portray faith in Him.

Others say that it's more safe to believe in God than not. If I believe in God and am wrong, I have lost nothing. If I don't believe in God and am wrong, I'm in trouble when I die. I've also heard that religion is what weak men fall back on when they have nothing else, and though it may surprise you, I agree with that.  We're all weak. Some just won't admit it.

Whatever your reasoning, your opinion of God comes down to faith. Either you believe, or you don't.

I do.

If you hoped for some deep, theological explanation for my faith, I have failed you. But then again, it is not my place to convince you. I am called to tell you God is, and I have. I am called to tell you to believe in Him and in His Son for the forgiveness of your sins and the salvation of your soul. That I have done. If you want to talk to me more in depth about why I believe what I believe, I am here. Email me--there is a link on the right hand side of this blog. Those of you who know me, call me. Stop by my house. I can talk for hours about God, but in the end, it comes down to one thing.



  1. I am with you keep doing God's work

    1. We believers in faith are with each other and working together. Thank you for your encouragement!

  2. I agree with you keep on writing and using the gift God has given you
