Tuesday, August 30, 2016

When Will I Know Enough?

I've read the Bible.

Many times, in fact. From cover to cover, in "chronological order," following different plans and schedules, randomly opening the Good Book and starting there, looking for particular passages . . . I've read the Bible a lot. I don't have the whole thing memorized by any means, but I have a pretty good idea what's in there and where.

So here's my question . . .

When is enough, enough? When do I know all I need to know? When is more knowledge simply . . . more knowledge?

Why should I continue to study?

I know what it means to be saved by Jesus Christ from the penalty of my sins. I understand the basics of Christian conduct as outlined in the Bible. I am familiar with where to go when I have questions, needs, or the desire to review something God has said. For that matter, I have Google who will take me to any Bible topic I want.

What else do I need to know?

Why should I continue to study, to learn details that don't necessarily affect my salvation, to read about a culture or cultures that are long past? What gain is there? Am I not already saved?

Then I think about my wife.

Yes, my wife. You see, I am married. 19 years married. I know a lot about my wife, more than I know about anyone else. If I never learned another thing about her, I would know more than I need to know to be her husband.

But would I be the best husband I could be? If I never explored the nuances of her likes and dislikes, her dreams and desires, her wants and wishes, would I have the fullest potential relationship with her? Would I be able to meet her needs as completely, to please her as fully, to serve her as effectively if I stopped learning about her?

Of course not. When I try, when I pay attention, when I actually put forth the effort, I find that I don't know as much about my wife as I think I do. I often think I know exactly what my wife will say, do, or think in any given situation. I am often wrong. Maybe not completely opposite, but not in true harmony, either. When I seek to learn, I find I don't know as much about her as I thought I did.

That brings me back to God.

The same thing happens when I read God's Word. I think I know the Bible pretty well, but it amazes me when I read a passage that I know I've read before (remember, I've read the whole thing more than once) and yet it seems to say something different than I remember. A certain theme seems more pronounced, a nuance I missed before jumps out at me, a word or phrase is repeated that I never noticed before. I thought I knew what God was going to say, but I was wrong.

Just like with my wife, the more I know God, the better I will love Him, serve Him, and please Him. The more I know what He wants, the less likely I am to do something else. When His Word is written on my heart, I'm less likely to stray.

When will I know enough? Never. Not until I see Him face to face. As Paul said, now we see dimly, as in a mirror poorly reflected. Then we shall see clearly.

I'll never know enough about God in this life to know Him completely, but the more I learn, the closer I'll get.


  1. Very well said. Thank you for the article. I agree with you
