Friday, August 19, 2016

Eternal Lives Matter

Your life matters.

There are many "Lives Matter" movements going on in this country and around the world. I have no desire to weigh in on the politics or social agendas of any of them. As far as I'm concerned, the most important of them all is one you've probably never heard of: Eternal Lives Matter.

When John was standing in the Throne Room of God, he described seeing "a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb" (Revelation 7:9). These are saved souls standing before God because of their faith in Jesus Christ. From every nation, tribe, people and language. It doesn't sound to me like God is picking and choosing whose life matters based on anything but faith in Jesus.

No matter who you are; irregardless of race, nationality, socioeconomic standing, employment status or any other worldly identifying characteristic, your eternal life matters to God. Your soul, that forevermore part of you that will exist forever, matters infinitely more than this life on earth. This is temporary. The hereafter is forever.

Your eternal life matters.

Get in the movement.

I don't know where you stand on social movements. I don't know your race, where you live, what you've been through. I do know that, in context of faith in Jesus Christ, it doesn't matter. You can be white, black, green, purple or blue. You can be rich, poor, or in the middle. You can be from here, or there, or anywhere--it doesn't matter. What matters is what you think of Jesus Christ.

If you want to change the world--if you want to change your life and your destiny--get in this movement. Eternal Lives Matter. That means your life, your neighbor's life, and the other 7 billion lives in this world. I really believe if we all joined this movement, there wouldn't be a need for any others.

When you join Eternal Lives Matter, you love your neighbor as yourself. You do unto others as you would have done unto you. You turn the other cheek and forgive your debtors, as your debts have been forgiven. This is a movement that can change the world. This is a movement that will change the world, if you believe what the Bible says.

Doesn't that sound like something to be part of ?

All you have to do is follow Jesus.

Not flawed humans, but God Himself. You don't have to worry about Jesus doing something to embarrass you and your movement--that's not going to happen. You won't have to worry about being led astray or left behind--Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you. If ever there was a leader to follow and a movement to join, it's Jesus Christ.

Joining is simple. You believe that Jesus is the Son of God and is God. You admit that you are a sinner and can do nothing to change that in and of yourself. You accept that Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for your sins, and that He rose to life again so that we believers may have eternal life. You believe these things, and confess your faith in these truths to God, and you're in! You're part of the only movement that matters--Eternal Lives Matter.

Your life will be changed. God's Holy Spirit will come into your life and rock your world. Everything will look different, and you will be different. Not perfect--not yet--but different. Changed. Started over. Made anew.

Doesn't that sound like a movement you'd like to join?

Lives matter.

Everyone is going to exist forever. Those who believe in Jesus Christ will live for eternity with God and His Son, Jesus. Those who do not will spend eternity in the torments of hell. That's why eternal lives matter. Everyone has one.

Where do you want to spend yours? 

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