Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Word Eternal

We are but grass.

According to Isaiah 40:6, we (all men) are like grass, and our glory is like the flowers of the field. That could be really good. Grass is green, lush, full of life. Flowers are beautiful, colorful, resplendent in their creation. I wouldn't mind being compared to the grass of the field, with my glory compared to magnificent flowers.

Until I read on.

Verse 7 reads like this: The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the Lord blows on them. Surely the people are grass.

Grass withers. Flowers fall.

We spring to life. We grow and prosper. Then we wither away. Our glory, that which so colors our life and brings us joy, lasts but a season and then falls to the ground. Our time on this earth is short.

The bulk of Isaiah Chapter 40 is dedicated to comparing God's infinitely great power, glory, and holiness to our comparative insignificance. In verse 18 the question is asked, To whom, then, will you compare God?

No one. That is the answer. God can be compared to no one. He is eternal. We are but grass, soon to be dust.

The Word of our God stands forever.

It's interesting, is it not, that Isaiah compares our temporary nature to the word of God? Why is that? Why not compare us to God Himself?

First, God is His Word. In John 1:1, Jesus is identified as The Word, having been with God in the beginning. The beginning of what? The beginning of the beginning. In other words, always.

Secondly, I believe, God wants us to understand that not only is He eternal, but His Word is eternal as well. Never changing. In Matthew 24:35 Jesus says, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away."

What God says, stands. Forever.

The world doesn't believe this.

The men of the world wants to change God, change what He has said. They want to make what God has called sin to be acceptable, and make what God called acceptable to be sin. They don't want to believe that His word is immutable, unchangeable, eternal.

They want to be their own god.

But they are but grass, and their glory, the flowers of the field.

They shall wither, and fall to the ground.

The word of our God stands forever.


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