Friday, February 26, 2016

Lightening The Load

Life's hard . . . when you try to do it alone.

I like to do things myself. I'd rather struggle through, wear myself down to the bone, and even fail before asking for help. I'm independent. I'm a problem solver. I can do it. Or die trying.

And many of us will. Die trying, that is.

The truth is, I can't do it alone--it being this life. Not well, at least. I will never accomplish all that I want to do, all that I need to do, if I try to do it alone.

There's simply too much to bear on my own.

My load grows heavier each day.

Between work, family, writing, serving in the church, kids activities, marriage, keeping up the yard, the house, the vehicles, friends, hobbies, and all the other stuff--there are not enough hours in the day or energy in my tank to get it all done. Leave something undone today, and it gets added to tomorrow, next week, next month.

Life starts to pile up. That load gets heavier and heavier.

Eventually, I'm going to drop it unless something gives.

Thankfully, I have Christ.

I am a Christian. I believe the Bible, not because someone told me it is true, but rather because I have seen it work in my own life. This is one of those lessons I have learned, and am still learning, the hard way.

I can't do it alone. I don't have to.

I have Christ.

Being a Christian isn't about taking on the extra burdens of going to church, giving money away, not having any fun, and in all ways being a drag. Being a Christian is about depending on Christ not only for what comes after this life, but what I am going through today.

You see, Christ didn't only take my sins on the cross; He takes my burdens every day.

I don't really know how it works.

As an elder in the church, having taught adult classes for years, I feel like I should be able to explain how this works, but I can't. All I know is that when I depend on Christ, life gets easier. When I depend on myself, it gets harder.

I cannot say that I have ever seen Christ do my work for me, but I have certainly experienced the evidence of His hand in my life. Take the subject of money--one of my heavy burdens. I have learned (the hard way, of course!) that when I give to God what He has put on my heart to give, I have more money. When I don't, I have less. How? I don't know. Honestly, I don't have a clue. It just works that way.

My marriage, my kids, my job--it's all the same. When I try to do it on my own, everything's harder. When I ask God to help me, He does. I don't know what He does, but it works. That's good enough for me.

Christ will give you rest.

All you have to do is ask. Life is hard, but He is there.

Ask for His help, and just see if He doesn't lighten your load.

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