Friday, January 29, 2016

Your Future Hope

We've talked about hope all week.

What hope is, hope as our anchor, hope as God's plan, and where hope comes from. None of that matters if you don't believe it, accept, claim it as your own. If you don't have hope, you are hope-less.

And let's face it--that's how a lot of us feel. Not every day maybe, but more often than we'd like. Some days it seems like hope is a long ways off, if it's there at all. I've even wondered, when the gloom is especially thick, if my hope's been cut off completely.

It hasn't.

That's not how God's brand of hope works, and that's what we're talking about here. God's hope. True hope. Confident expectation and assurance, remember?

In regards to that brand of hope, I like what Solomon says in Proverbs 23:18. There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. 

I like that. I really like that.

Here's why.

First, I like the word surely. There's that confidence, that assurance which is an important part of the definition of hope. When Solomon wrote There is surely . . . he wanted to convey that whatever came next was guaranteed. He was saying, in effect, be assured that this is true.

Secondly, I like the idea of future hope. No matter where you are in life, there is a future hope for you. No matter how little or how much you've done or you have, no matter how close to God or how far, there is a future hope. You're not where God wants you to be, plans for you to be. There's something better ahead. That's awesome!

Lastly, God promises through Solomon that our hope will not be cut off. Isn't that something? No matter what we, or anyone else does, our hope in God remains constant. That plan He has for us, that something better, is always there. No matter what.

Maybe this speaks to you, maybe it doesn't. 

It sure speaks to me. Hope is important. Without hope, life isn't worth living. Since God is hope, that makes  a lot of sense.

Final word . . .

Last week we talked about faith. This week hope. Any guesses what next week's blogs are going to be about?


  1. Replies
    1. Wow, that was quick!. Yea, we're gonna take a shot at tearing down the world's view of love and rebuilding it according to God's plan. Won't look like a lot of people think it does, but it'll be what the Bible says. Worked out well that the "love week" ended up a week before Valentine's Day. I guess God does have a plan after all!
      Thanks for reading and responding. Have a great weekend.
