Wednesday, January 27, 2016

God's Plan is Hope

Ever feel like everyone is against you?

I mean everyone. From the guy in the car in front of you driving 20 when you're running late, to the disc jockey who's stuck in melancholy-ville when all you want is one--just one-- uplifting song. Some days, your employer, your spouse, even your kids seem to be against you.

There are days when I'm pretty sure even the dog has it in for me.

On a day like that, there doesn't seem to be much hope.

I just want to crawl back in bed, pull the blankets over my head, and try again tomorrow. Or not. What difference does it make? I can't win. Not with the odds stacked against me. Not when it's me against the world.

Why even try?

Because God has a plan.

That's true. It may seem that everyone is against you. It may seem the world has a plan to ruin your day, your week, your life. In fact, that's true. The world's plan for the Christian is to make you miserable, to take from you the only hope you have.

That hope is God.

You see, God has a plan. He's on your side. His plan is your future, and it's filled with hope.

It doesn't matter who stands against you.

As long as you stand with God, nothing else matters. The whole world can be your enemy and still you can be victorious. Still you can, and do, have hope.

That's God's plan. To stand with you against the world. To be your ally when you feel all alone.

To give you hope.

Never despair.

No matter how dark the night, no matter how deep the hole, no matter how alone you feel, never despair. Never give up. Never, ever doubt your future, for that is in God's hands. He's not figuring things out as He goes; He knows exactly what He's doing.

Whatever it is you face, He's planned for it. He has the answer already. The path prepared for you included this, and on the other side is the future, bright and full of hope.

We're all in God's hands.

Take comfort in that. He knows the plans He has for us, plans to give us hope, and a future.

Tomorrow will come, and God will still be in control.

What more could we hope for?


  1. God's plan is for us to realize that all we need is Him who has given all for us...

  2. God's plan is for us to realize that all we need is Him who has given all for us...
