Friday, April 4, 2014

Why I Write

I have a lot of reasons for writing.

Writing, for me, is fun. I enjoy the process, and am learning every day just what a process it is. I used to think authors just sat down and typed whatever came to mind, but now I know just how untrue that is. A lot of work--research, editing and rewriting, struggling to find the right word or words to convey a thought or describe a scene--goes into every single sentence. And then, you go back and do it all again, because what you wrote the first time wasn't what you wanted to say at all. It's slow. It's frustrating.

I love it!

I love learning, researching and investigating, finding alternate theories on this or that and pulling out nuggets of truth. I enjoy going through the dictionary or thesaurus (I know, I know--boring!) to find just the right word. I even like reading something I've written and realizing it's horrible--because I can fix it and make it right.

You see, I like to be in control.

When I write, I think I control everything. I control who is in the story. I control what everyone does. I control their emotions, their responses, their actions and reactions. I even control the weather, and right now, in Central Illinois, I'd really like to be able to do that in real life!

But I can't.

Writing is an escape from a reality I cannot control, but a temporary one at best. And even then I realize how many things are beyond my control. If what I write is to be believable and readable, rules have to be followed. The sun rises in the east. Men and women are created to be different. Lightning comes before thunder. Heaven and hell are real. Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. These are realities that exist and must cross over even into my world of fiction writing because they are undeniably true. Why?

Because God says so, and He is in control. Not me.

Writing helps me to understand that. Writing brings me closer to God because I have to consider Him in everything I say. Even in fiction, I believe His truths are irrefutable, and I feel a powerful obligation to obey them.

I write to understand God better, and, hopefully, help others do the same. His love. His mercy. His grace. His rules.

So, a couple of questions.

First, for those of you who write--whether it be a blog, a book, a journal, or social media--why do you do it?

Secondly--If you could control one thing in your life, what would it be?

Share your responses below. I'd love to learn more about you.

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