Wednesday, May 6, 2015

It's a Slippery World Out There!

Those darn banana peels!

They'll get you every time! You're just walking along, minding your own business, then . . . Wham! You're flat on you back, arms and legs waving in the air like an overturned turtle, unsure how you got there. You've just fallen victim to a banana peel. And trust me--they're everywhere!

How does one slip on a banana peel? Well, it's quite easy, actually. All it takes is a little carelessness, a moment of inattention. One wrong step and you're down. And I've found the older I get, the harder I fall. And the harder it is to get up.

Who left it laying around?

A banana peel is a piece of garbage. Trash. Refuse. It shouldn't be left laying around. Someone could get hurt. Like me. So whose fault is it?

Probably mine.

You see, I leave trash laying around all the time. Not real trash--my two older sisters broke me of that early! But that other kind of trash. That stuff in my life that really isn't worth anything and should be thrown away or recycled. You know what I mean. Grudges. Guilt. Anger. Sin.

Banana peels. Mine.

Where do they belong?

I've left a lot of stuff laying around over the years that I end up finding in the most unfortunate way. Unresolved anger at some person who then shows back up in my life. Slip and fall! Guilt over some petty offense that I never let go. Crash and burn! Envy of some person, some thing. Mayday--Going down!

If you, or I, leave that stuff laying around, it's going to come back and bite us. Hard. There has to be a better answer. And there is.

Maybe you need to forgive someone who offended you, or yourself for offending someone else. Maybe you need to deal with envy, or jealousy. It could be anger or sorrow. Perhaps pride or lust. I don't know your particular trash--I only know mine. But I do know this--we all have some. And if we don't take care of it . . . Let's just say, it's going to show up when you least expect it.

Watch your step.

We all have garbage laying around that we need to clean up. So watch your step, and when you find something along the path of life, take the time to deal with it.

And remember, it's a slippery world out there!

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