Saturday, December 13, 2014

How Big Is God?

It may seem childish, this question. But can you answer it? If it is so simple, why did you pause? You might say, "He's bigger than everything," or "He's as big as He needs to be." But really, those answers are as simple as the question. So I ask again; how big is God?


Astronomers estimate that over 100 billion galaxies exist in the universe, each with 100 billion stars. Most of us cannot fathom those numbers. Some compare that to the number of grains of sand on every beach on earth. That really doesn't help me. I still don't get it. But God does. He created those stars. All of them. At once. And named every one of them.

Big Bang? Yeah. I'd even go out on a limb and say it was a big boom!

And that's not to mention planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and the stuff out there that we think exists, but cannot prove. We give this stuff the somewhat unoriginal name of Dark Matter. Whatever it is, it's not dark to God. He made it. He even knows what to really call it.


God made everything. It is all under His control. Anything we have, comes from Him. We exist because He made us! He gives, and He takes away. Why? Because it, what it is, belongs to Him! Your home, the food you eat, the air you breathe, the very body you inhabit, is His. He gave it to you. That's provision.

On the same subject, anything you want must come from Him. Whether you believe that or not, it is truth. Your denial does not change a thing. Deny gravity, then jump. See what happens. God causes the rain to fall on the righteous and the unrighteous. He gives to those who follow Him and those who do not. It is His way. And who can argue? It's His stuff; He can do whatever He wants with it!


Christ, who is God, died for the sins of all who accept Him. Theology aside, that is hard to comprehend. The death of one sufficient for all. But God says it is so, and therefore it is. Christ is big enough that His self-sacrifice, and subsequent arising, frees us from our burden of sin. Not because of anything we do, but because of what He did. His death saved billions of lives. For eternity. That's big.

So, so much more!

Creator? Yes!
Provider? Yes!
Savior? Yes!

But He is so much more! More than I can explain. More than I can fathom. More than I can even imagine. He is more.

And that, perhaps, is the answer to the question.

How big is God?

He is bigger. Whatever you picture, He is bigger.

That's how big God is!

Any thoughts?

How big is God? Tell us, so we can be in wonder of Him! 

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