Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas, Part 2--Spiritual Warfare

For all the joyful anticipation in Heaven, not all celebrated. Those who had fallen anticipated the arrival of Christ in the flesh much differently. They knew the Scriptures as well as those loyal to Father. They knew what was happening. They knew who was coming.

The Messiah!

But theirs was not gleeful anticipation, nor wonder that God would so love the world that He would send His Son to save lost man. No, they loathed the idea of a Savior. Who was man that he should receive such a blessing that they themselves could not? Who was man that God would leave His throne to humble Himself for their sake? Who was man that he should be forgiven?

Satan knew. He knew what this meant.


Satan could not fight against God as God. In that there was no contest. He as the created could not stand against the Creator.

But . . .

God in the flesh? God as man? Could He be tempted? Could He be led to fall?  If so, then there would be no salvation. There would be no Messiah. There would be no hope. And that, Satan knew, was his only hope.

The virgin.

Satan watched her, a serpent studying his prey. So delicate. So fragile. So . . . mortal. Could it be that she really carried God within her? He knew it was so, but yet the idea was so foreign. He could not fathom God leaving His throne for them, or anyone else. The thought disgusted him.

He considered the woman, and the One within her. He sensed the presence of God, recoiled at His holiness.

The Child.

He would be born. It would be as God had said. He would enter the world in the flesh, to live as man. He would walk in their footsteps, share their bread, experience their pain. He would be tempted as they were tempted.

Satan would be sure of that.

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