Thursday, February 23, 2017

Your Story Isn't Done

I don't know what you've done in life.

Maybe you've done great things already. Maybe you've reached all your goals, achieved your ambitions, lived your dreams and completed your bucket list. Maybe you don't know what to do now, having done all you wanted. Maybe life has gotten small for you, with no new challenges, no new goals, no new purpose.

Or maybe you don't think you've done anything. Maybe you don't think you can, or ever will do anything. Every goal seems out of reach, every ambition impossible, every dream nothing more than that, and your bucket list impossibly long. Maybe you don't know what to do because you don't know how to do anything. Maybe life seems too big to you, with too many challenges, too many goals, and no purpose.

Either way, your story isn't done.

As long as you are upright and taking in air, your story isn't over. You haven't done it all. There are still things to be accomplished, places to see, people to touch and change and help. It is an incredibly big world out there; if you can't find anything new to do, you haven't looked hard enough. Your story is still being written. Don't let it get boring at the end.

Some of the best stories start with humble beginnings. The hero who rises unexpectedly from the depths of poverty and despair. The heroine who climbs from the pits of darkness to shine light onto the world. The do-nothing who one day woke up and changed everything. It is an awfully big world out there, but you don't have to conquer it all at once. Your story is still being written. Don't let a slow start keep you from an incredible ending.

Keep writing.

That's the secret to finishing a story. You just keep writing. Some days are easy, others are incredibly hard. Either way, you have to write.

The story of your life is no different. Some days your story will seem to write itself. Everything falls into place just as it should. Plots don't fall apart, characters do what they're supposed to do, and every setting is like a tropical paradise. Other days, nothing works. Plots go haywire, characters go insane, and your once beautiful setting suffers through a hurricane.

Keep writing.

Keep plugging away. Keep living and doing and dreaming and hoping and never, ever give up. Your story isn't over. No matter how much, or how little you think you've done, there is always more. Incredible things can happen, will happen, if you just keep going. You don't stop because you think you're done--you're not. You don't quit because you think it's hopeless--it's not. Your story isn't over until it's over.

And then it's just beginning.

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