Wednesday, February 8, 2017

What Really Lights Your Fire?

Is there something that really gets you excited?

You know, a passion, a love--something that revs your motor and stokes the furnace inside you? Most of us have something. Sports. Hunting. Fishing. Politics. Social issues. Religion. Knowledge. Something. We're all different, and so we have different passions.

Those passions, those flames in our lives, are a big part of who we are. They in large ways define us, the people we like to be around, and of course, what we do. Where we spend our time, money, and energy. Who we are can be fairly well determined by what we love, and vice-versa.

So what is it that gets you going?

Think about it. What can you think about right now that bumps your pulse up just a little, makes you want to jump up and do it, makes you wish you were there?

Now the big question.

Is it good?

Should it be a passion?

If our passions largely define us, then we better make darn sure they're right and good. We'd better be sure they're leading us down a wrong path. Sports as a passion is not wrong in and of itself, but if you hang out with a bunch of friends and get drunk every time you watch a football game, do a gut check. Is that really good? Are you hurting yourself or someone else? Are you helping yourself or someone else?

Would God approve? I believe God is pleased to watch us enjoy ourselves in the creation He has given us. I don't think He is pleased when we abuse the pleasures we've been given. I believe God gives us passions, desires--bents, if you like the King's English. He also gives us wisdom and self control. We're supposed to use all three, not just one.

Is your passion good or bad? What really determines that is what it does for you and to you. If it takes you away from God, it's bad. If it brings you closer to Him, it's good. Can you get closer to God out on a lake fishing? Sure. If you spend some time reflecting on Him and recognize all things come from Him. Can it take you away from Him? Yep. It's not as much about what you do, but how and why you do it.

What really lights your fire?

And more importantly, how does it affect your relationship with God? If it brings you closer to Him, enjoy it and God will be pleased. If, on the other hand, it takes you away from God, run. Throw water on that fire and get out of there!

No matter how much you think you enjoy it, you'll end up getting burned in the end.


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