Monday, January 16, 2017

When God Calls

Has God ever called you?

Wouldn't it be something to get a call from God? Even a text would be pretty cool, and helpful at times. You know, when there's something you really want to know, or an answer to a prayer you've sent God's way. His response would never be, "IDK," or "TMI." It'd be just what we needed, just when we needed it.

God's never texted me, though, and I doubt He's texted any of you either. And a phone call? Not God's style.

That doesn't mean God doesn't communicate. He does--every day. The only question is, are we listening?

The answer to my question above is "yes," whether you know it or not.

First, God has called us to believe in Him. Through His very creation, the universe in which we live, He has left His calling card so that all may know Him, and be without excuse for denying Him (Romans 1:20). He also calls us to believe in His Son Jesus Christ as our Savior (Romans 1:6). He calls us to be Holy (I Peter 1:15), and that we have been called for a purpose (Romans 8:28).

So, are we picking up when God calls? Are we receiving His messages?

Do we even recognize God when He speaks?

Are you listening for God?

If you're waiting for a communication from someone, you have to have an open line. In the old, old days, you checked your mail (not email--snail mail), or stayed at home around the phone--you couldn't always carry your phone with you, believe it or not. Then came email, cell phones, social media, etc. . . None of things work, however, unless you participate. I have a teenage son. I know you can call all day, send a hundred texts, Facebook, Twitter--whatever--unless he looks at his phone, he'll never know what I'm trying to tell him.

So it is with God. God could give each of us the type of Damascus Road experience Paul had, but He doesn't. Frankly, I don't think most of us could deal with it. Besides that, God doesn't chose to communicate that way. He wants us to want to hear from Him. He wants us to participate in the process. I don't want to grab my son by the shoulders and make him stare me in the face every time I need to tell him something. I want him to be attentive to the fact that, at any time, I may need to get in touch with him.

I think God feels the same way.

How does God communicate?

Anyway He wants to, and I think that varies from person to person. Some of us hear God as we get advice from other Christians. Others from reading His Word. God speaks to us through our conscious and unconscious awareness. Some have dreams, others get nudged in ways we can't really explain. God speaks in many ways.

We just have to listen.

If you never crack open a Bible, God cannot speak to you through His Word. If you never have meaningful conversations with other Christians, actually seeking Godly counsel, those lines of communication are down. If you don't listen when you pray, and pay attention after you've asked Him what you should do, how do you expect to know when He answers?

When was the last time God called you?

If you can't answer that question, if you can't say when the last time God spoke to you (or that He has ever spoken to you), there's a problem. It isn't that God's not speaking, it's that you're not listening. And that's a problem.

Today I encourage you to listen. Be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10). Hear His voice, through His Word, through prayer, or just sitting quietly and waiting.

You might be amazed at what God has to say.

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