Wednesday, June 29, 2016

What's Next?

I'm afraid to ask.

We've had terrorist attacks and plagues. We've had war (and far too much of that!) and disease. We've had riots, division, hate, and discontent. Droughts and floods. Fires, polar expresses, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis.

I probably don't want to know, but what's next?

We've redefined (or tried to) the family, marriage, and gender. We've done our best to outlaw God's word, and even His name. We've turned evil to good and good to evil. We've done our best to become our worst.

What else can we do?

It scares me.

When the next shoe falls, I'll no doubt be shocked again. Not by the natural disasters, but the unnatural ones. The ones created by man. Those are the ones that scare me. Those are the ones that have far-reaching, wide-spread, and, I fear, eternal consequences.

One thing I know is coming, and is already here, is persecution. It's started. It's growing. It'll get worse. Get ready, because it's going to happen. Like with poor land management, we've set ourselves up for a true disaster. A mega fire. One so powerful it creates its own wind and becomes a self-sustaining inferno that needs no outside help to grow and spread.

A fire like that sterilizes the soil. It bares the ground so that if rain does fall, massive erosion occurs. Landslides follow. Rivers of mud over take roads, towns, communities.

It's ugly.

It's coming.

The metaphor of a forest fire is as apt for any for what is coming, and I don't think we can stop it. The really scary part is that it only takes a spark, either intentional or careless, to get things started.

I fear that spark has already touched the tinder. The smoke of the dissolution of who we are, what we are supposed to be, is rising over the horizon. A warning, a sign. There is nothing between it and us other than dry fuel. Food for the monster that aims to destroy us.

Nothing other than God, and honestly, I'm not sure He's going to step in. I pray. I hope. I trust, but I know He has a plan and I don't know what that plan is. What I do know is that everything has to fall apart before He comes and puts it back together.

Ultimately, that's what I hope for, but I don't want to see it come to be. Many say they want to be here when Jesus returns. Not me. I know what the Bible says must happen before Jesus' Second Coming. I don't want to go through that. Being a believer in the rapture, I don't think I'll have to. I do believe, however, that the faithful of those times will see things we cannot even imagine.

And unbelievers? Read Revelation Chapter 16. That's the stuff of nightmares.

Hear me now, it's coming.

I don't know when.

No one knows the day or the hour, but we are told to watch for the signs. Wars and rumors of wars. Famine and disease. The love of many growing cold. And people, like in the days of Noah, going about their usual business as if nothing is happening.

That could be today. Or tomorrow. Or a hundred or even a thousand years from now. We just don't know. We are, however, told to watch, and I'm watching. I'm seeing. I'm no prophet, but I can read what the true prophets told us.

Do you see what I see?

I don't know what's next.

I do know how it ends, though. We win. God wins. I wrote earlier this week about how losing is hard. That's one war I will be on the right side of. It may seem that I am on the losing side of this battle today, but we will win the war, because I'm on God's side. I'll see victory in the end. Maybe, probably from heaven, but I'll see it.

Whatever comes next, no matter how hard it seems, no matter how big a loss it appears to be, we will not lose. We cannot. It's already decided. God wins.

Keep that in mind, no matter what happens next.

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