Monday, June 20, 2016

It's Time To Wake Up

What's it going to take for us to wake up?

How far down do we have to spiral before people are going to realize we're heading in the wrong direction? We don't have to look far to realize what a mess we are in. The signs are everywhere. Hate. Immorality. Disloyalty. War. Terror. Death. Fear.

Is this the utopia we've been seeking?

To listen to those leading us down the path, we're almost there. All we need to do is hold on, stay the course, and it'll all come together. They'll tell us we're better off now than we were before. They'll tell us we've come so far, but there's more work to do. They'll tell us we're on the right track.

That's bull.

The powers that be in this world do not have our best interests in mind. Surprise! They are not on our side. I'm not talking conspiracy theory. I'm talking reality. If you're a Christian, if you're traditionally minded, if you're right of radical left, you're the problem in their eyes. You're the crisis. You're the disease.

Their cure is isolation and containment. Their plan is to systematically cut off all routes of transmission of your “sickness” so that you cannot “infect” others. They're inoculating the general public against what we have. Inoculations of lies, hate, fear, and intolerance. Small doses of anti-Christianity at regular intervals is just what Doctor Satan ordered.

All the while, the train rolls on. Our destination? Man's utopia. That place where man gets everything he wants without the inconvenient rules and interference of that killjoy God. The state where God is made irrelevant so that man can become godlike. Utopia. Paradise. Without God.

That's not paradise.

That's hell. We keep separating ourselves from God, and that's where we'll end up. Our world will become like the Hinnom Valley, where we get the word Gehenna. Know how that word is translated? Hell. Do you know what happened in the Hinnom Valley? People followed false gods and immorality to the point that it led them to sacrifice their children in a fire kindled in the Valley.

Think I'm going too far? Look what's happening in our schools, where prayer is heresy, where kids are being suspended for speaking about Christ, where the safety of our children is secondary to political agendas. Think about elementary children getting condoms in school. Think about abortion.

Children are being sacrificed to the gods of lust, immorality, politics, pride, and countless others.

It's time to wake up.

This train is nearing a cliff. Those driving will keep smiling and telling us to eat, drink, and be merry as we careen over the precipice into the abyss if we let them. Just as it was in the days of Noah. That unhappy ending, I fear, may be nearer than we may think.

Can we save the world? No. God has decreed a judgment, and that judgment shall come to pass. This world desires it. As far as that goes, I deserve it. God, however, gave this world Christ so that not all would perish. All we have to do is believe in Him, recognize Him as Lord and Savior. We can't save the world, but Christ can save all those in it.

All we have to do is wake up. Look out the window and see the warnings God has clearly posted. It's time to open our eyes. It's time to get back on track. It's time to get back to God.

Unless, of course, you think where we're heading is were you want to go. In that case, if I can't change your mind, then close your eyes and go to sleep. You don't want to see what's coming.