Tuesday, April 19, 2016

You Matter

That drop of water--that's all I am.

A drop in the ocean. A speck in God's creation. I am so infinitesimal, so insignificant that whatever I am, whatever I do, should not make a difference. 

But it does.

God's plan is so big, so complete, so complex that even the tiniest particle of His Creation matters. The picture would not be complete were it missing the tiniest piece.

That's where I come in.

That's where we all come in.

If we are to admit that God's plan is perfect--and I profess that it is--then we must admit that any deviation from that plan would be less so. If perfection is changed in any way, whether to add to it or take away, it would be something different, and no longer perfect.

You and I, we are part of God's plan. Who we are, where we are, what we do--it matters. Absolutely we are no more than a drop in the ocean, but without those single drops, that ocean, that plan of God, would be changed. Take away any part, even a single molecule, and it would be different. It would be imperfect, incomplete.

You matter.

I matter. Sometimes I don't know how or why, but if I am to believe in God's perfection, in His sovereignty, in His divine Will and Plan then I have to believe that I am part of it. If I am part of it, if I am even the smallest element in His grand design, then I matter.

So do you.

A drop in the ocean, yes. A drop that, were you not there, would leave the ocean something less than it could be.

When that ocean is God's plan, then every single drop matters.

That means you.

Do you believe it?

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