Monday, October 5, 2015

Life is Like Riding a Bike

Little Susie really, really wanted a new bike. Not just a new bike, but a big bike, a grownup bike, like her brother's.

"Daddy," said little Susie, "I really, really want a new bike. A big bike. A bike like Johnny's."

"But Sweetheart," Father replied, "You're not ready for such a big bike as that. You haven't even taken the training wheels off your bike." 

"I know Daddy, but I'm ready. I really, really want a new bike!"

Susie's Father peered down at her. He knew she was not ready. If He gave her the bike she wanted, she'd soon realize it wasn't what she really wanted after all. She wasn't ready for a big bike.

"Not today, Honey," He told her as he patted her blonde curls, "let's wait until you're ready."

But little Susie was nothing if not persistent. The very next day she sat on the porch watching Johnny ride his bike. It looked so easy; she just knew she could do it if she had a bike like that of her own. Putting on her most innocent, adorable face, she went to Father as He came home from work.

"Daddy, I'm bigger today. See--I'm almost as big as you," she said as she stretched her little frame to its utmost height.

"Oh yes," replied Father, "I can see that you've grown even since I've been gone. You are getting sooo big!"

"I know Daddy," Susie exclaimed, "and now I'm ready for my big bike!"

Father chuckled.  "Oh, I don't know about that. You're not quite that big yet."

Susie's face fell. She knew she was ready. Father just didn't want to get her a new bike. He didn't love her enough. All He thought about was what He wanted. He didn't care what she wanted.

Tears of frustration burst from her eyes, and the most horrible words gushed from her mouth.

"You just don't love me, Daddy. You don't care what I want. I don't love you any more either!"

Stomping her little shoes as loudly as she could, Susie stormed up to her room and slammed the door, leaving Father behind.

"Susie," Father called after her, "Susie . . . you know that's not true. I just want what's best for you. I DO love you . . . you know that. Susie? Susie . . ."

But it was no use. Susie refused to reply.

Father was hurt by her words. He knew what was right. He did love Susie. He loved her with all His heart. She just didn't understand. Maybe it was time to show her just how much He did love her.

The next morning, when Susie came to the breakfast table, she spoke not a word to Father. She refused to even look at Him. She was sooo mad! Finishing her toast, she placed her plate in the sink and without a word strode past Father and out the door to go play.

Father waited expectantly.

"Daddy!" Susie's shrill voice cut through the still morning. "Daddy! Daddy! Come see. Come see Daddy!"

Father smiled as He rose and folded His napkin neatly beside His plate before stepping out the door.

"Daddy," Susie wrapped her little arms around His waist. "You did it! You got me a new bike!"

Father knelt down and embraced the quivering little body in front of Him.

"Yes Honey, I sure did. But are you sure you're ready for it? It's pretty big. Much bigger than your old one."

"Oh yes, Daddy! I'm sure. I'm so sure! I'm going to ride it right now!"

"OK Honey. But before you do, just remember that I wanted you to wait."

Susie said nothing in reply. She was too excited. This was going to be so awesome! Her own big bike. Now everyone would see just how big she really was!

Climbing up on the bike, she struggled to get it turned around. For a moment, doubt crept into her mind. This sure was a big bike . . . was she really ready for this? She smiled broadly. Of course she was! This was exactly what she wanted, right?

Putting her right foot on the pedal, she gave a hard shove and hurled herself up towards the seat. She couldn't reach it! Fear clouded her face as she fought for control. Oh no! She was going to fall!

"Daddy!" she screamed.

It was too late. Little Susie, and her big bike, tumbled to the ground.

"Susie. Susie, are you OK?" Father asked as he knelt in the grass beside her.

"Yes," Susie sniffled. "I fell down."

"I know Honey. I saw. Did you get hurt?"

"Just a little," she sniffled again.

"I'm sorry that you got hurt," Father said softly, "that's why I wanted you to wait."

* * * 

Sometimes in life we want what someone else has, even if we're not ready for it. But life really is like riding a bike. You have to master the little ones before you can move on to something bigger. Remember that the next time you ask God for something bigger, better, newer. Are you really ready if He says yes? 


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