Thursday, October 29, 2015

Guard Your Heart

Your heart is important.

Healthy lifestyles that take care of your heart are all the rage. Limiting sodium, caffeine and fat intake as well as getting enough exercise and giving up dangerous practices such as smoking and excessive drinking are proven to reduce your risk of heart disease. These are important, no doubt; but something is missing.

Your heart is the circulatory center for your body, and taking care of that function is critical for your physical life. Your heart, according to the Bible, is also your emotional and spiritual center. What are you doing to care for that?

What you put in will come out.

In Luke 6:45, Jesus says this: The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart, his mouth speaks.

A friend of mine sums it up this way: Garbage in, garbage out.

Your heart is the wellspring of life

 By definition, a wellspring is the source or origin of a stream or a spring. It is the pool or reservoir from which the waters flow.

In Proverbs 4:23, Solomon tells us to guard our heart, for it is the wellspring of life. What that means is whatever is in your heart is going to pour out into the rest of your life. Combine that with the words of Jesus above, and we see that if you put good things in your heart, good things come out. Conversely, if you put evil in, evil will surely flow. Pretty simple, really.

How do you guard your heart?

Just as we watch what we eat, take care to get enough exercise, and avoid habits detrimental to our health, so should we take care to not pollute the wellspring of our lives. What we see, hear, and experience affects us. Some things we cannot help but to be exposed to (been to WalMart lately?), but others we can. What do you read? What television shows or movies do you watch? How about the internet?

You have many choices as to what you store up in your heart. As you make those choices today, remember this: What goes in will come out.

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