Thursday, August 13, 2015

More Cowbell

Did you just date yourself?

If you recognize the title of this blog, you may have just dated yourself. It has been 15 years since that skit aired on SNL. After that, the term More Cowbell invaded television, movies, and everyday conversation. A silly spoof of an old song rang true with culture not only in America, but around the world. Why?

In the skit, Will Ferrell (playing a fictional member of the band Blue Oyster Cult) goes crazy on a cowbell as they perform the song Don't Fear the Reaper. Despite the rest of the band's objections, the producer (Christopher Walken portraying Bruce Dickinson, who in fact did not produce the song in real life for you trivia buffs) demands more cowbell. In true form, chaos erupts.

In reality, B.O.C. did indeed use a cowbell in the song. But of course, hardly anyone knew this until the skit came to be. After that, just about everybody knew that subtle beat originated from a simple cowbell. And every since, when that song is heard, people all over the world think the same thing--more cowbell.

 More is the anthem of our world.

If some is good, more is better, right? More money, more house, more fame, more power, more, more, more! More cowbell until the guitars, drums, and vocals are drowned out in a cacophony of useless noise.

The world would have us believe that more is always the answer. Do you have too much to do? Do more! Do you have too much stuff? Get more! Too much debt? Borrow more! Your relationship not working out? Get another one! Too much? More is the answer. Or so says the world.

Get enough More and you win!

 Again, so says the world. He who has the most toys at the end, wins. If you have enough more you don't have to fear the reaper. Your more is all you need to sustain you. The world would have you believe that  you really can take it with you.

More has become an addiction. There has been a recent fascination with the real and sad plight of those who have an illness which leads them to hoard their belongings. Television shows and casual jokes attest to the fact that hoarding has become part of our culture. But you know what? I think we'd all be hoarders (if we're not already) if the world had its way. Hoarders find security in being surrounded by more. Are you (or I) any different?

The truth.

 The truth is, more is rarely the answer. What we all need is a good dose of less. Less obligations. Less complications. Less stuff. Let's face it--a little cowbell goes a long way. Any more would just be a distraction. Kind of sounds like our world, doesn't it?

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