Monday, August 21, 2017

What Is Your Worldview?

Do you have your glasses? Are you getting out of work/school/  whatever to watch it? The eclipse to happen today has been all the rage lately. When it's not politics on the news it's a new warning about not looking directly at the sun (that's good advice, by the way).

Everyone seems caught up in the wonder and majesty of this celestial event, and I get it. It's really cool. My home is fairly close to the path of totality (who remembered that term from science class until the last few months?) so we will be treated to a 93-97% coverage of the sun by the moon from what I have read. Cool. I'll probably even look outside (not directly at the sun!). But it's not going to change my life.

I don't think it will change yours, either. Sure, it's an awesome event to witness, but it's not life changing. It's not even rare. Some quick research tells me that a total solar eclipse is visible from somewhere on earth about every 18 months, while the average time between such events being visible from any particular place, like your home, is 400 years (thank you So seeing one is cool, but probably not life changing.

Too many people have grabbed on to this event as though it were the most important thing in the world--until it's over. Then it'll be the next great thing. Then something else. Then something else. Their worldview is that what is most important is what's in front of them right now. They rush about day to day, focused on whatever triumph or tragedy they're experiencing, whatever great or awful circumstance they find themselves in. Their worldview--their philosophy or conception of the world--centers around the immediate vicinity of themselves. In other words, they're self centered.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that if you're excited about the eclipse you're a self-centered and selfish drama queen. I'm excited about the eclipse, and I don't do drama well. What I'm saying is we have to look beyond the daily events in life--no matter how unusual or exceptional they are--to something greater.

I think a total solar eclipse is cool because it makes me think about God--His majesty, His sovereignty, His power, His creativity. Because that's my worldview. My conception of the world is that God is what matters. Whenever something happens, or may happen, or doesn't happen, my experience of that passes through the filter of "God is what matters." I know creation isn't about me. I know even my own life isn't about me. All things which are, are for the glory of God (Romans 11:36).

This coming eclipse is about the glory of God. If I witness it, the purpose of my witnessing it is for the glory of God. If I wake up tomorrow, or if I don't, and whatever I do and whatever happens or doesn't happen--let it be for the glory of God. That's my worldview. That's my philosophy. That's my conception of the world. I, and what's happening around me, really don't matter at all except as it pertains to God's glory.

So as you (safely) view the eclipse, or choose not to, do so for the glory of God. Marvel at His wonder and power. Praise Him for His creation and creativity. Take the opportunity to tell someone else about Him, because while witnessing the eclipse probably won't change anyone's life, witnessing the God behind it absolutely can!

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