Tuesday, July 12, 2016

One Of God's Incredible Gifts

He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.

That, from Proverbs 18:22, pretty much sums it up. When I found my wife, I found what is good. When God brought us together, I received, for whatever reason, favor from the Lord. Not because I deserved her, not because I deserved His favor, but because our God is gracious and good. I am blessed.

I am blessed with a wife of noble character. I am blessed with a wife who is patient and kind, generous and giving, loving and compassionate. I am blessed with a mate who compliments, who completes, who betters me. I am blessed with God's favor, and a large portion of that favor is the wife He has entrusted to me.

I have found what is good. I have received the favor of the Lord.

Guys, we take them for granted.

Our wives are not just some other person. When we entered into the covenant of marriage, we entered into a sacred agreement. Our union is not just emotional, not just legal, not just physical, but spiritual. In the mysteries of God's workings, we are no longer two, but one. She and I, we are one.

It's easy to take that for granted. There is an assumed security in marriage which is at once reassuring and dangerous. It's reassuring in that we all crave security and stability. It is dangerous when we forget that security and stability are not self sustaining. It is dangerous when we become lazy. It is dangerous when we take them for granted.

Our wives are precious.

They are gifts from God, evidence of His favor upon us. They are priceless treasures which should be, deserve to be, must be guarded and protected with our very lives. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friend. If my wife is not my friend, then who is?

My wife is noble, elegant, beautiful. Proverbs 12:4 says, A wife of noble character is her husband's crown. She is my crown, my gift received from my gracious, loving Father. She is worth more than all the treasure, all the pleasures, all the temptations of this world. I would not, I will not trade her for any of them.

She is precious. She is priceless. She is a treasure.

I love her.

As my wife, I love her more than words can say. As the mother of our children, I respect her more than I show. As my mate walking side by side through the mountains and valleys of this life, I need her. Christ is my cornerstone and foundation. She is the gold which adorns the palace of my life.

If there were more to say, if I knew how to speak what I truly feel, I would. But I cannot. Words are not enough. To thank her is so little, but thank her I do. To love her seems insufficient, but it is all that I have.

Happy Birthday, my Dear Sweet Girl.

May God speak to you what I cannot. May He bless you as you deserve. May He guard you, watch over you, and make His face shine upon you this day, and every day yet to come. 


  1. I hope all of us think of our wife like this. Well written Bill

    1. Thanks for raising her to love Christ. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your family

  2. I hope all of us think of our wife like this. Well written Bill
