Monday, September 21, 2015

What Does it Mean to Worship God?

What is worship?

 According to Rick Warren's study, The Purpose Driven Life, our primary purpose and focus in life is to worship God. OK, but just what is worship anyway?

Is worship singing with upraised arms, heart open to God, unashamedly and unabashedly singing His praises? Is worship kneeling in prayer, tears flowing down our cheeks as we unreservedly reveal our deepest secrets, hopes, fears, dreams to Him? Is worship time spent alone with God, or time spent in fellowship with other Christians? Is worship giving our money, our time, our talents to God?

In a word, YES!

Worship can be any of these, or none. Worship isn't about what you do, but rather how, why, and for whom you do it. Worship can be, should be, everything we do. Worship is life, and life is worship.

Colossians 3:23 says, Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not men. Romans 12:1 says, in part, offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God.  Now that last one isn't about going out and offering ourselves on an altar somewhere! Both of these verses are talking about doing everything, whatever it is, to please God. When we do that, everything becomes a form of worship.


Everything. Digging ditches, preaching sermons, changing diapers, mowing the lawn, even taking a nap--if done with the right attitude and done the best you can do it, anything and everything can be worship to God. You see, worship isn't about doing anything special, it's about doing everything special. Doing everything knowing that you do it not for your boss, your spouse, your children, your neighbor, yourself,  or anyone else, but for God.

When you live your life for God, understanding that everything you do is done for Him, then everything you do becomes pleasing to Him. That is worship.

How will you worship God this week?

What part of your life have you been living for yourself or someone else other than God? Your work? Your children? Your house, finances, relationships, school? Think about it . . . what have you been doing that you never considered God to be a part of? Put God in it, and that becomes worship. It really is that simple.

Make a commitment, right now, to offer that part of your life to God. Jesus said this in Mark 12:30: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. That's everything we have, friends.

Love God with all you have and all that you do. That is the meaning of true worship.

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