Saturday, July 11, 2015

I Love Her All The More

Love has not changed, but I have.

In my last post, Love is Timeless, I discussed how love does not change. Love is timeless, eternal. Perfect from the onset. I, however, am not.

My wife and I have been married for 18 years. This week she celebrates a birthday. As every year passes, I realize all the more the depth and strength of the love which exists between us. If, as the Bible says, love is perfect and timeless, then the love between us has not changed. Something, however, has. It is better. It is stronger. It is more exciting, more fulfilling, more everything than ever before. If love has not changed, then love has changed me.

A window without time.

When I cast my eyes upon my wife, time disappears. Like wind and shadows, it drifts away, ethereal and unsubstantial. Time does not affect her because she is, to me, a manifestation of love. When I see my wife, I gaze as though through a window without time. Perpetually young, beautiful, desirable, she changes not. Her beauty is unchanged, her charms undimmed, her body that of our wedding night. She is timeless, ageless. She is the wife of my youth.

A thousand sunsets, and a thousand more.

Jill and I have gazed upon a thousand and more sunsets, and God willing we will see thousands more. And though the sun has risen and set perhaps billions of times, its grandeur has not dimmed. So it is with my wife. Each time I see her, she is as radiant as when I first laid eyes upon her. As the setting of the sun in no way lessens the beauty of its rising the next day, so is she. Though a year may pass, her beauty does not. A thousand times a thousands days may pass, but they will touch her not. If love never fails, then love never fades.

Love is a gift.

To see this way is a gift. These are not just words I am saying to gain favor with my spouse. This is my reality. I cannot explain it. It doesn't make sense. It just is. Just as I cannot explain how the love of God my Father makes Him see beyond my imperfections, so I cannot explain how love allows me to perceive my wife outside of time. I see the age in myself, and therefore logic tells me that she has changed as well. But I don't see it. The lens of love is a gift.

I will love her all the more tomorrow.

Yesterday I loved my wife more than the day before. Today my love is greater still. As love continues to change me, each day will I realize how awesome it truly is. I have no doubt that if tomorrow comes, I will love her all the more.

Happy Birthday Jill!

You are the love of my life. Some may mark this day as another year gone by, but I mark this as the day when I love you all the more.

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