Thursday, June 11, 2015

On Right and Wrong

It is not popular, this idea of right and wrong.

We live in a world desperately struggling to embrace the "ideals" of tolerance, situational ethics, and personal liberty. I say desperately struggling because such "ideals" fly directly in the face of what has been referred to as the collective conscience, which is in fact the sense of right and wrong which God has placed within us. I say desperately because it is the world's last ditch effort to remove God from the equation. I say desperately because, if we succeed, we will have an entirely new understanding of desperation.

In light of this struggle, any indication of holding to or believing in a higher moral standard is met with fierce resistance. The mere allusion to the idea that absolute values exist will earn you the label of radical, extremist, or perhaps worst of all, right wing Christian.

The world does not want to be restrained by right and wrong.

The world around us wants freedom, liberty, independence. Everyone wants the ability to make their own choices, fulfill their dreams and desires, pursue their passions. These are not necessarily wrong, until those pursuits come up against the boundaries of that which is right, and that which is wrong. Then life becomes uncomfortable. And let's face it--none of us likes to be uncomfortable

The world, therefore, has chosen the path of least resistance. Eliminate the nuisance of such restraints. Abolish the standards of good and bad, right and wrong, moral and immoral. Remove all such "barriers" which are "holding us back," and let freedom reign.

The result is anarchy.

A system without restraints will eventually become disorganized, unstable, chaotic. Without order, rules, standards, societies and civilizations fail. Without law, you have lawlessness. And that will serve no one well.

Should murder be allowed, if it is the desire of one individual to take the life of another? Should I be allowed to steal from my neighbor just because I want to? No, of course not. I think very few could honestly say they believe those "freedoms" should be allowed. There are absolute truths, limits to what should be, can be allowed and maintain a stable and decent society. Without those limits, we are doomed to fail.

We are headed down  a dangerous path.

Many of the absolutes established by God are being swept under the rug. They cannot be abolished by mere man, having been set in place by Almighty God, but they can be, and are being ignored. The danger is that when you say one rule of God is violable, you set a precedent. It is a crack in the dam. If left unattended, that crack will widen and spread, creating more. Eventually, the dam will fail and everything down stream will be lost. And let us be clear--we are all down stream of the will of God.

Incredibly, this is nothing new. From the time man received the breath of life from our Creator, we have railed against Him. Individually and collectively man has tried to dislodge God from His place as Ruler and Judge. All have failed. All will fail. The question is, how many will fall when the final failure comes?

There is a decision to be made.

It is a very simple decision. Is there such a thing as right and wrong? Are there absolutes which should not, cannot be changed?

I say yes. What say you? 

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