Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Ever wish there was a button you could push to start things over? One easy switch you could flip to restart your day? That'd be handy, alright. You could be halfway through a project, decide you didn't like where it was headed, so . . . hit the button and voila! A brand new start. Don't like the turn your relationship all the sudden took? Flip the switch. Presto! Back to first date. Bad day at work? Rough day at home? Life in general headed downhill? Just push the reset. Easy-peasy.

Wouldn't that be nice?

Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way.

Or does it?

In reality, some things can be restarted from scratch, while others cannot. Most knots can be untied, but once cooked, a goose cannot be unroasted. If you dig a hole, it can be filled back in; time past, on the other hand, will never be returned.

My point is, there is a difference between restarting and resetting. Knots and holes can be restarted. When it comes to a cooked goose or yesterday gone, you have to pick up where you are. The good news is, you can pick up where you are. You can reset, even if you cannot restart.

God reset things several times. He started with Adam and Eve in the Garden, and then reset things outside the Garden after Man sinned. Then there was Noah. That was a big reset. There was the Tower of Babel, there was Abram and Sarai who became Abraham and Sarah.There was Israel united, Israel divided; Israel free, Israel in slavery, then free again. Eventually came Christ, the biggest reset thus far. There are more to come. Eventually, God will make all things new, but even then, we will be carried over.

Over and over again, God reset. He didn't restart by creating something new, He picked up where things were.

He does that in our lives as well. At salvation, we are made new. We cast off the hold and put on the new. Each day is a new day to be rejoiced over. Every day God's mercies are renewed. Each time we sin, confess, and repent, we are forgiven. Reset. Pick up where you are and go.

So maybe life does work that way. Maybe, just maybe, there is a reset button. Maybe, just maybe, that reset button is called Faith. Belief that, indeed, each day is a new day. Belief that, indeed, I am a new creation. Belief that, indeed, I am forgiven. I have been reset. I can pick up and go on.

In fact, today is one of those days.

Time to get started.